Winter's End Jewelry (Inspired by SJ's Honey Do List)

Apparently, this month marks the fourth year that Sarajo's husband, Eric, has given her a photo inspiration from which to design jewelry (Happy Anniversary!!) She has graciously shared that inspiration on her blog, SJ Designs Jewelry, to help spark the imagination of other jewelry artists too. She calls it the Honey Do List. 

This month, Eric has issued another thinker. The image was fairly barren and stark, reminiscent of the harsh winter they've been experiencing. But, like I said in my post yesterday, I know Spring is on its way. So, in that respect, these pieces celebrate winter's end. 

For a while, I was stumped for an idea, but as I looked about for a place to start, I spied some laser cut squares that Michelle Mach of Beads and Books sent me a few weeks ago. I thought this might be the perfect time to take one of them for a test drive (there should be more designs to come!) I had brainstormed a few ideas for the wood squares and sketched out one that involved using it as a frame for an image on a piece of tin.
I began looking for birds to echo the bird in the inspiration photo and found a tin with snowmen on it, one with a robin on its head. It seemed perfect in its wintery-ness. But, I had a stroke of inspiration as I began falling asleep one night: what if you could change the scene!?

So, I made it happen!
This pendant flips from a winter robin to a spring one. And, I made a video to show you how I made it happen.

It's really a simple process, but it worked out so beautifully.

And, I didn't stop there. Since the scene from Eric and Sarajo was full of bare, but natural elements, I took a walk outside to find some to incorporate into another piece or two. I made a nice little pile on my desk.
I gathered a couple of different types of skeleton leaves and a small stack of branches. I began with the skeleton leaves, but the piece with the branches came together faster.

The feathers were added to represent the bird, of course, and the rest was just drawn from the color palette in the inspiration photo. 

Wrapping the little sticks with wire was something new for me. And, I totally dig it!

For my last piece, I used one of the darker skeleton leaves and encased a portion of it in resin.

To continue the natural theme, wood and shell beads were used to complete the bracelet design.
The sparseness of the skeleton leaves is much like the stark inspiration photo. I think it works. 

Now, make sure to head over to SJ Designs Jewelry to see what Sarajo and other participants made with the Honey Do List Challenge. 


  1. I really love your flip necklace. It is a great idea. Initially I thought that you can move the images on the side but I was wondering about the metal edge and if it would be sharp. But turning the wooden frame around is a simple but brilliant idea. No question of hurting oneself that way. Super!

  2. Wonderful designs! I love the winter to spring necklace! All your pieces are so thoughtful, as always.

    1. Thanks so much Ann! It means the world to me that you like what I made.

  3. I adore the necklace! It is so cute.

    1. Kathy, thank you. I'm so happy with the way it came out. And, I'm glad I was finally able to work in some of the laser cut pieces Michelle sent me. It worked out well!

  4. Wow, Hope, each piece is fabulous, creative and inspiring! You nailed it again! The flip feature, as Divya said, is brilliant, indeed! But the skeleton leaves? I was wondering how you would use them and resin was the perfect choice! Fantastic job!

  5. Sorry for the late hopping... it's been a crazy week in Wentling-land! I'm so impressed with the variety of your creations. That flip necklace is adorable and I enjoyed your video tutorial too! I have to admit when I saw your bracelet in the group photo that I totally thought it was some sort of gemstone... how cool that it's a skeleton leaf! Amazing! Thanks for playing along with us.! Check back to see what Eric dreams up for us next.

    1. Sarajo, I hope the craziness is all good-crazy! No worries about being late.
      I'm so glad you like these pieces. The necklace was supposed to be the star of the show, but it looks like everyone is drawn to that bracelet. I may to play some more with the skeleton leaves. They are plentiful on our property! I'm looking forward to seeing what else y'all have up your sleeves. Thanks for the inspiration and challenge.

  6. I love how you incorporated the twigs into those earrings. I know this challenge was a tough one but you embraced it well!

    1. Eric, It was a bit tough, especially since it's been most warm here for a few weeks. But, I like that your photos make me reach a little and draw some of myself out of them. It's definitely been working for me. And yeah, that picture deserved a piece of jewelry with a real branch in it! Ha!!


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