Peek at My Week: Jan 27 - Feb 2

It's always a bit of a shift when one month passes into another in the middle of the week. For me, this meant several challenges ended and thus it was time to begin thinking ahead to new ones, along with finishing up some of the ones on which I've dallied a bit too long.
 The Use It Up Fill It Up 2 Challenge from @SouthernGals_Designs on Instagram ended on the 30th, and I finished right on time.

However, I wasn't able to keep up with Allegory Gallery's Bead in New Year challenge for January. I do hope to finish out the challenge prompts in the next week or two. And, I've got a few here to share, as I completed them through the week.
I worked on this felt keychain on Sunday as part of the prompt to make a non-jewelry piece with beads. It's not the prettiest thing, but I like the idea.

Also, on Sunday...
I upcycled some several-days-old banana bread by frying it in butter for breakfast. Tasty!

I wasn't feeling well on Monday, so the day (and I) moved slowly. When I finally made it out of the house, I took a couple of envelopes with me to leave as Random Acts of Kindness, another Allegory Gallery prompt.
It felt so nice thinking that someone would have a fun surprise!

I was in a mad rush on Monday and Tuesday to work on my Moon Phases pendant for the Art Elements reveal.

In my frenzy, I ended up pulling out ALL the tools.
It was worth it, in the end, to have that hinged piece made.

While we weren't expected to get the insane temperatures that those in the Midwest were getting, we were going to have a freeze. So, I made sure to head outside and pick the citrus that was close to ripe before the cold set in.
I really hated to pick my poor, lone lemon before it was completely ripe, but I felt like I didn't have much of a choice.

As usual, I was headed to my mom's on Wednesday, but first I wanted to finish out #UseItUpFillItUp2 with a bang.
Such a complete change of materials from the previous day!

While in Mobile, I was able to visit two locations of Hobby Lobby to check out their amazing clearance deals.
I scored big!!

Thursday was all about the Art Elements: Moon theme reveal.
I spent much of the day blog-hopping to see what the other participants made.

Despite the chill in the air, it was a beautifully sunny day.
Zoe made sure to take advantage of that.

I happily spent the evening watching The Great British Baking Show (my newest obsession) with a tray of beads in my lap.
Like I said, I'm still behind on the Allegory Gallery challenge and am hoping to catch up!

Though I was able to play with my new art supplies a little on Thursday, I didn't really dig into any art journaling until Friday. With the Use It Up challenge over, I was happy to dip back into my journal on Friday morning.

And, I finished the piece for Allegory Gallery for Day 24's prompt to use vintage materials.

Saturday began with a little art journaling.

After that, I went into town to check out a quilt show. I hate to overload y'all with pictures of quilts, but they were so inspiring! I really seemed to be drawn to the quilts that brought in unusual materials/techniques. You need to see these!
So yeah, this one is awesomely trippy, but look closer.

That fabric is HAND-DYED!

These butterflies were made from handkerchiefs and had little, embroidered heads and antennae.

Check out this beauty.
Again, hand-dyed elements but also rainbow-colors and check out the texture achieved with the stitching!! Wow!

There were 496 quilts in all at the event. They were everywhere!
Yes, it was in a local church. 

This ancestry quilt was made with old pictures photocopied onto fabric.
How cool is that!?

I'll share one more.
This one had hand-pieced actual houses from Gulf Shores. And, the stitching included clouds and seagulls. I mean...pretty stinking awesome. I could post more quilt pictures, but you get the point. I was impressed!

While picking up lunch a few hours later, I spotted a small scattering of dandelions, all in perfect round puffs.
I had to pull over and appreciate the scene completely by taking a few pictures.

 Loads more could be said about this week, but I'll stop there and leave you with some links to inspire.

I hope you have an inspired week!


  1. The quilts are so great. Some folks are just so talented

    1. Divya, Aren't they. I hated to overload this post with pictures, but just had to share such beautiful work and inspiring ideas. I've got at least two quilts I want to make, but just have to eke in the time to do it as they are quite time-consuming (especially since I'm not the best seamstress!)

  2. Busy and lots accomplished! I have to try and set myself a daily challenge for a week and see how I do - I'm not optimistic about it :) Butter fried old banana bread? Sounds yummy! We make french toast with old cakes, etc. Those quilts are unbelievable!

  3. I loved seeing the quilts. The last one is so special for your area. The owner must be proud.

    1. Kathy, Weren't they cool? Funnily enough, the maker/owner of the Gulf Shores quilt lives up North and send it down for the show. I overheard some other ladies talking about it. I recognize so many of the houses on it. It's uncanny!

  4. That quilt show looks amazing! I love the handkerchief butterflies. Leaving random acts of kindness sounds so fun. I do need to do that at some point. A perfect way to put a smile on a stranger's face and make their day! Your lemons look lovely. I love them in water.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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