Peek at My Week: Jan 13-19

In the moments that I had to think about it, this week felt scattered and all over the place, but as I edited the pictures for this post, I realized that it was packed full of creativity and inspiration. Here's a peek!
I continued to work, on and off, with Allegory Gallery's Bead in the New Year prompts, though I am currently running a bit behind on them. Day 12 was to make a project from a craft book. I used a project from Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry by Lorelei Eurto and Erin Siegel as inspiration for my lace and etched brass bracelet. For Day 13, we were to make a piece inspired by a song. I struggled at first coming up with a song but was suddenly struck with "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles and couldn't shake it. That tin and bead necklace was the result. We were tasked with breaking out the polymer clay to create something on day 14. I'll share some of that disaster below, but I love my final result crackle earrings! I kinda combined Days 16 & 17 when I made the Living Coral Earrings for We're All Ears as we were to ask a friend for a challenge and use the color of the year. 

I mentioned the polymer clay disaster. Here are the pieces that came out of the toaster oven.
I just wasn't loving any of them. I tried to work with the embedded tin pendant on the bottom right, but no amount of paint and gold wax was making me love it so I moved on. 

These babies though...
The messy awful-colored cane wasn't working for me but the shape had potential. 

I slapped crackle paste on them.
And, I felt a shift in the design immediately. A little paint and sealer were later added, along with beads and postbacks to transform them into the yummy earrings in the collage above. 

On the 15th, we were to organize out crafting area. As I had recently picked up the craft room, the real disaster was my immediate area, the craft desk. 

However, just as soon as I got it picked up, I jumped into another project and messed it up again before I got a picture.

It was for the best though as I needed those tags to update the booth at Southern Antiques and Accents before Ladies' Night that evening. 

From there, I went straight into working on the Living Coral project. 

I even brought creativity into my breakfast.
Y'all! It was so good!

And, throughout the week, I worked on #UseItUpFillItUp2 from @SouthernGals_Designs on Instagram. Most of the week, I was doing two cards just to try to catch up if I had time. 
But, I do really love those 15-minute paint play intervals to really spark my creativity. 

I have to admit that I think some of this creative drive came from the fact that I'm working my way through Flourish and Thrive's Bootcamp. It's really giving me some perspective on my creative process and the business side of it. While it has been a lot to think about, I've absolutely been needing to do that and appreciate the push. 

Oh, I can't let this cutie escape notice.
Look at her watching me while she's all comfy. It cracked me up!

How about some inspiration for YOU? For the most part, these are divided into tutorials and art.

This week, I'm looking forward to finishing up the Bootcamp, working on all the challenges and prompts, and hopefully spending a little time outside if it's not too nasty. What do you have planned for the week ahead? I hope it's inspired!


  1. I love the Beatles based pieces- its wonderful. Please post a bigger image of it soon

    1. Thank you Divya! I hadn't considered posting these images again, but perhaps I'll do a final round-up of the pieces I create for the challenge sometime in February (or whenever I get it all finished!) Thanks for the interest!!

  2. Your weekly activity posts remind me to stay organized but to no results so far :) So many different challenges and makes! I always check each of the links at the end and am grateful for your crafty summaries!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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