Happy New Year and Wrap-up of 2018

It's that time again. Time to set goals and resolutions, pick inspirational words, and find your driving force.

Like last year, I feel very vague about these. I know I want to work on making each day better than the day before. Yes, I have things I'd like to accomplish within 2019, but as I'm sharing this on the third day of the year, and still haven't made a decision about set goals, let me go ahead and make today better by sharing a few of the things I'd like to work toward: update my booth at the antique store, sell at a craft fair (or two), make another quilt (or two), work on the guest room, intentionally grow some vegetables and/or fruits in the garden, and simply live more intentionally and artfully. I've considered setting monthly or quarterly goals, and may still, but am struggling to prioritize it all. I hope you're having more luck, but if not, don't worry. Remember that each new day, hour, and minute are all another chance to start again.

But, before I get on with that, let me go ahead and share what worked for me last year, at least as far as blog and video posts go. I'll start with blog posts, but let me go ahead and mention that in the last couple of weeks I had a weird surge in blog views for the posts that went up between the middle of October and the middle of December. It's super weird! With that in mind, here are my top five.
Use Leftover Beads to Make a Necklace

Finish the Shopping in the Etsy Shop

Petroglyph-Inspired Jewelry Designs

Cornucopia of Earrings

Etsy Shop Goodies and a Coupon Code

Now, as for my YouTube videos, here are the top five of those. I had trouble adding the videos directly, so you'll have to click on them. 

I'm looking forward to providing more valuable information this year in both blog and video form and seeing what I can learn from you too. 
What are you looking forward to in 2019?


  1. Happy New Year, Hope! I've always admired your stamina and focus and I believe you will come up with even more amazing things this year :)

  2. Happy New Year Hope. May you accomplish all that you set out to do. We are going to attempt growing fruits and veggies too. So far we have bought figs, bananas, and raspberries. Fingers crossed!

  3. Happy New Year Hope! Living simply and artfully is a goal for me too, cheers to 2019!


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