January Challenges & Inspirations

I'm already knee deep in several art challenges and loving the prompts to be creative at a time when I'm trying to think ahead on what else I may want for the year. If you're struggling for inspiration or just love participating with others with a similar theme, here's a quick list of the ones I've discovered. 

  • Over on Facebook, in the Allegory Gallery Design Challenges Group, there's a January calendar of jewelry-making prompts for each day. Though the month has already begun, Andrew of Allegory Gallery has made it clear that he wants this to be fun and not stressful so it's open to being completed at your pleasure and leisure. Just make sure to post your photos in the January album
  • The inspiration this month for the We're All Ears Challenge at Earrings Everyday is The Color of the Year for 2019 (Living Coral). It's a color that I don't personally use often, but I kinda love that for a challenge. Erin also shared several of the Pantone palettes that include the color for even more inspiration. The reveal day is January 18th. 
  • Over at SJ Designs Jewelry, Sarajo and Eric have continued the fun of sharing Eric's photo prompts with the rest of us. Check out the lovely picture prompt for the January Honey Do List Challenge, make a piece of jewelry, and post about it. Sarajo will have the link available on January 21st. 
  • This month, the theme at Art Elements is the Moon. This challenge is open to any medium, but you must have a blog and let Lindsay know that you want to participate in order to be included in the list. The reveal will be January 31st. 
  • Throughout the month, the Artisans Create Together Group on Facebook has been given the inspiration of "Singing the Blues".  
  • In addition to all of these, I've been participating in #UseItUpFillItUp2 on Instagram from Tiffany of @SouthernGals_Designs. (Though, I admit that I wasn't able to participate yesterday or today, but hope to catch up tomorrow). You can see the "rules" here. Again, if you didn't start on Day 1, that's okay. The point is just to have 15 minutes of art in your day. So, you can start today!
  • {*EDITED ADDITION!*} Art Bead Scene Studio is back on the scene this year with a new challenge. Their Art Journey One inspiration includes beautiful pieces by Art Bead Scene contributor, Heather Powers. Remember that jewelry you make for this challenge must include an art bead. Read all the details on their post, but you have until Feb 9th to submit up to four pieces.
If I've missed any challenges and you know of something that should be included in this list, please don't hesitate to let me know. Have fun with these!!


  1. You seem to have missed Art bead scene re-entry with an artwork by Heather Powers

  2. Thanks for the great round up of challenges! I feel like I miss a lot of them. Just a clarification, we have switched the Art Bead Scene challenges to be 6 weeks instead of 4 so you have until February 9th to submit up to 4 individual pieces. We will be sharing some revised ways to do that soon. Thanks for your patience as we muddle through this! Erin


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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