Finish That Shopping in the Etsy Shop

Y'ALL! It's getting real. There's just over ten days until Christmas! I know I still have a few names to check off my shopping list, and it's likely you do too. I thought I'd share a few of the goodies available in the CraftyHope Etsy Shop in case there's just the right thing in there for one/some of the special people in your life.

Abstract Tin Blue & Gold Bracelet

Autumn Silk Tassel Earrings

Floral Riveted Necklace

Petroglyph Bracelet

Black and white Tie Earrings

Gaea Violet Necklace

Violet Delight Necklace

Rusty Filigree and Rosary Bead Earrings

Boho Tin Fringe Necklace

And, there's plenty more where those came from in the CraftyHope Etsy Shop. Even if I don't have something you need, I hope the rest of your shopping and holiday season goes very well!


  1. So many pretties! Happy Sales Hope, and I wish you a wonderful Christmas!

  2. It was a pleasure to see a range of your designs in one post! Good luck to you and Happy Holidays!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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