A Dozen Earrings from Leftovers

Each month, Erin issues a challenge from Earrings Everyday for the We're All Ears Challenge. This month, the challenge was to Use Your Leftovers from a recent craftermath. Just as last year, I had no recent craft frenzy from which to pick my materials. But, I turned to the same solution as I did last year - I used the beads that are STILL leftover from my 2017 100 Day Project. And, I was able to create 12 pairs of earrings.

I did sort the materials for my designs into the divided sections of two small muffin tins.

And then, I got to work! I even created a video showing how I made nine of the earring designs

 I called it Making 12 Pairs of Earrings because I do show all twelve.

Anyway, let's get to the earring reveal!
For each of these, a tin circle that was altered with acrylic-flow painting and dimples hang from a dark bead.

The dangles on the bottom on these were salvaged from some old jewelry. I tried to echo the almond shape of the dangles by tapering the beads on either side of the large bead.

I've had several of the blue bead caps (bottom) for ages without a notion of what to do with them. Once I began pulling beads from the 100 Day box, these fell together.

The tiny brass leaves were what spurred these. From there, I spotted the plastic leaves and just began pulling other beads together. They aren't quite my style, but fun.

I adore these. I'll admit that I took a little time before I began assembling the earrings to perfect a few of the elements. For these, I painted the inside of the bezel with black Vintaj Patina before gluing in the handmade lace. Resin topped the lace to seal it in. The black triangles finished them.

Here's another bezel that I started beforehand. It was fished from the 100-Day box and a thick layer of crackle paste was smeared inside. Once the paste dried, I colored it slightly with a rusty paint and sealed it in resin. To create the earrings, mother-of-pearl buttons, brass bead caps, and glass pearls were added. 

I love that these elements came together. They're a little messily wrapped together, but I think it works with the vaguely tribal-look. I'm not sure what the yellowed buttons are made of, but there are brass spacers above and below the green fire agate tube and then tiny Czech glass beads above that. The more I look at them, the more I like them!

This is a hot mess is what this is. I seriously just threw some beads and buttons together thinking I could make it work. It didn't. The end.

Another of my favorites, and another that I pre-prepped. The decorative metal had some hot pink coloring to them, so I covered it up with layers of Vintaj Patinas then added a brass wax and a sealer. Small rhinestones hang below (they were a booger to get to face forward) while glass pearls hang above. 

Here's just a fun little pair that utilizes a couple of my altered washers. Glass beads that match the colors on the map and silver spacers were added to compliment the washer. 

These are so elegant. Is there anything more refined than pearls and rhinestones together? They speak for themselves. 

This final pair started with the altered Vintaj blanks. I just added a stack of matching beads. This is the first time I've used these post findings and didn't realize that I didn't have any earring backs. I'll have to fix that.

Make sure to head over to Earrings Everyday to see what Erin and the other participants of the challenge made. A big thanks to Erin for another fun challenge. I do apologize about not fully playing by the rules. I hope you understand. 


  1. These are pretty amazing! What a great mix!

  2. Twelve pairs, I'm impressed! And all the more so because you have leftovers from your 100-day project, how prolific is that? I love them - elegant, boho or vintage! I bet it feels good to be so creative at the end of the year :)

  3. I absolutely love the black lace bevels and the altered washer earrings. But then again I love all your creations hun. Have a Merry Christmas!!

    1. Thanks so much! You are too sweet. I dig both of those too. :) I hope your Christmas is spectacular!

  4. Impressive! I love the last two the best.

    1. Thanks Kathy! Once I got started, I had to make them all. I'm tickled that you like those last two since they're so different. That absolutely illustrates how each of us has so many sides to us. I appreciate you taking the time to scroll this this long post!

  5. I love the combination of materials used in your earrings. It is the result of a much bigger craftmath your 100 day challenge

    1. Divya, Thank you! If I had just sat down to make some earrings, I think the materials would have been completely different than they were pulling from that 100-Day box. Thanks so much for hopping by!

  6. Very creative, I love the black with the lace, and I don't think you give yourself credit on the white/red with the button..I like them, quirky!

    1. Valerie, Thank you so much! I love those lacy ones too. I'm sure it the simplicity of them. The red ones are quirky indeed, but they still feel disjoined to me. I'm glad to hear that you like them though! Thanks again!!

  7. So many fun pairs of earrings! Nice job! I really like the pair with the altered washers and the rhinestone and pearl pair.

    1. Sarajo, Thank you! Once I got started picking out elements, I couldn't stop. I mean, I had that WHOLE BOX! HA! Now I'm trying to focus on some of the other challenges (like yours) to finish out the month and the year with a bang!

  8. Wow you have been super-productive with your craftermath! That's an impressive, well put-together dozen from leftovers. I can't pick a favorite - they're all so different from one another, and would suit such different occasions.

    1. Anita, Thank you! I think the scattered style of them is what bothers me the most about this collection. They don't feel cohesive like the same person made them. But, I'm working on refining that and recognizing what I do and don't like. It's taken me years to realize that just because I made it doesn't mean I have to like it. Ha! Anyway...thank you for taking the time to hop by!


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