December Challenges and Inspirations

Despite the busy-ness of December, it's nice to stay creative to further brighten your spirits. And, participating in one or more of these challenges might be just the way to get those creative juices flowing. I'll keep it short and get straight to the list.

  • Julie Fei-Fen Balzer has just begun her 5th year of #CarveDecember in which participants carve stamps. Julie encourages you to participate, even if it's just one day. This year she created prompts for the challenge for the first time, but they're optional. Go over to the Balzer Designs blog to learn more. 
  • This month, the We're All Ears Challenge at Earrings Everyday is the Use Your Leftovers Challenge. What fun! The reveal is on December 21st. 
  • At Sj Designs Jewelry, Sarajo's husband, Eric, has issued a wonderfully bright photo for the December Honey Do List inspiration. December 31st is the challenge reveal.
  • While the Honey Do List challenge is full of color, the December Challenge at Art Elements is White! Remember that this particular challenge is open to any medium you may choose. December 29th is the blog hop date, but remember to comment on the blog post to let Claire know that you would like to participate. 
  • The Season of Joy is the inspiration in the Artisans Create Together Facebook group. You'll need to be a member of the group to play along, You have until the end of the month to submit your design.
Those are the only challenges I know of right now, please let me know if you have one to add to the list. Here's hoping that even with the holidays in full swing, you find some inspiration and a chance to create.


  1. I am planning to take part in the AJE white challenge as I find white a difficult colour to work with. I look forward to seeing your work in your posts.

    1. Divya,
      I've actually found myself working with a lot of white lately. I have a piece that I started before the challenge was issued that might work perfectly with it (fortunately). But, I can see how it could be a challenge for you. Your designs are distinctly vibrant. Of course, I have no doubt that you'll come up with something amazing! Can't wait to see! :)

  2. It looks like I'll be busier in December than in the past few months, I want to participate in at least two of the challenges above! The worst part is that I have to clear the table in our sitting room for the holiday decor :)


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