Peek at My Week - March 25-31

I'm late again. This time I blame it on yesterday being Easter. I'm hoping that things will start getting back to normal soon, and I'll be back to posting on the right day again. For now, here's a peek at last week. 

Sunday started off a little rough as I had to drop Pat off at the airport in Florida so he could go to a training thing for work. I made the best of it though and headed over to a nearby flea market that I'd been wanting to check out. Alas, I didn't really find anything except a pair of tweezers. But, score!

With Pat being gone, all the inside pets needed double the attention.
Leeloo called attention to herself by getting in one of the bathroom sinks to chill out. 

Zoe flopped on her back and demanded belly rubs.

And, Rosalina actually kinda got in my lap (she's usually a little standoffish) for some petting. The chickens obviously didn't notice anything was off. 

On Monday, I got to work on the some of the tin I had cut the week before

Trying to finish up some of the tin pieces on Tuesday, I couldn't find a couple of supplies I knew I owned. This lead to a whole day of cleaning the craft room. It was a serious disaster. As you can see above, I finally found the beads I wanted. 

Wednesday was the only day I was able to eke in a little art journaling for Tiffany's #useitupfillitupchallenge

On Thursday, I spent some time at a friend's house helping her learn how to use her new Silhouette Cameo. I warned her before I went that I wasn't an expert, but could offer some tips. I do hope I helped her a little. 

Friday was when I finally was able to finish uploading a video tutorial and blog post on my Mixed Media Easter Egg

And the moon on Friday night was pretty spectacular. Saturday's was awesome too. 

I did get a few items listed in the Etsy shop throughout the week. 

I started Saturday off with very little energy, but that ended as I entered a frenzy of baking for Easter. 
I started with the Coconut Pound Cake. Fair warning, I couldn't get it out of the pan like the recipe said I should, so it stayed in there. I'll use wax or parchment paper next time. 

Then, I made these super easy Mini Cheesecakes. I didn't decorate these until Sunday, so you'll get to see that next week (unless you follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter or are a friend on Facebook. I've already posted pictures there. Oh, and you'll also find some of the short, fun videos I've posted this past week on Instagram and Facebook.) 

Two of the nieces are on Spring Break this week, so I hope to have some fun. We'll see how active and ambitious those two teenagers want to be though. What do you have planned for the week?


  1. Seriously, don't worry about what day you post. I often see bloggers apologise for being late, but I have no idea what their blogging schedule is! a post pops up in my reader, I read it.
    I love the tin pieces, I look forward to seeing what they become

    1. Wendy, I know you're absolutely right; but something continues to compel me to apologize each time I don't post when I plan to. It's an illness. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Sounds like a nice week with a lot of pet moments, crafting and baking sweet things. You've been busy as always :) Oh, and craft room cleaning - for that I envy you!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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