Peek at My Week: April 22-28

This past week was a pure blur of busy-ness. 

I was able to keep up with #The100DayProject as I made a wise decision to select a medium for each week. This past week, I unearthed some small wood shapes, intended to be brooches. These have been buried in my craft room for YEARS! I bought them at a yard sale for 10 cents each and haven't been able to bear to get rid of them for one reason on another. It just so happens that I had exactly seven of them!
The wood in 20 was altered with ink spray and coated with gold glass glitter. I simply added a Gelli print on which I stamped the word. It was then sealed. 
I have to admit that I worked a little on 21 the day before to give the black paint and crackle paste a chance to dry. The picture is from some of Tim Holtz's supplies. Once sealed, I added the small rose (from an old jewelry piece). A bit of gold paste was rubbed on the crackle for a touch of shine.
I wanted to be a little more experimental on day 22. Again, I turned to some more of my Tim Holtz supplies, this one an acrylic facet. The faceted piece was slightly larger than the wood base, allowing the hole to hang down for a charm. I added a rose image from an old book. Alas, the glue I used didn't dry as clear as I had hoped.
Again, I worked a little ahead for 23: painting the piece and gathering and stacking the button and beads. They were wired together and glued to the base. A gold paste was added to accent the shape. 
I wanted to stretch the limits of making these brooches; so for 24, I decided to add the eye screws from which to hang beads. I selected antiqued copper eye screws. These brought rust to mind so I dug through my stash for some small bits. The screw heads I unearthed were added with dark accents around them. A bronze paste was used around the edges.
Upon waking on day 25, I knew I wanted to do some tiny paper-cutting. I thought all my elements would be cut from paper, but once I realized how hard it was to do the grass, I painted the rest of the scene.
On day 26, I wondered if I could use embossing powder on the wood and color in the image. Apparently, I could! I used Intense color pencils to ensure their staying power. 
I think 21 and 24 are my favorites of the bunch. Which are yours? 

Like I said, the rest of the week was an absolute blur. 
The only interesting thing from Sunday was breakfast - berry parfaits. They were as tasty as they look!

Monday was my oldest niece's birthday. 
Eighteen! I can't even...

I spent much of Tuesday busy, busy. But I took the time to spy this little guy. 
Sorry that he's upside down. That's just how he hangs. 

Wednesday was another birthday party!
That niece is now 15. Where does the time go?

This is what she requested on her cookie cake. For real.

Thursday was another day out and about.
I gathered almost a full basket of blackberries (dewberries) from the yard. I'm hoping to try to make jam with them. Can you see the berry stain on my hand under the basket? Ha!!

I was able to get a little work done on Friday and listed this beauty of a necklace

We had dinner at our friends' house Friday night. They made us an amazing Greek meal and then made sure to show me the baby birds that had hatched in their faux plants on the front porch. 
Oh my gosh! So cute!!

Saturday was a busy, but fun day. We did more cleaning around the pool area before actually getting in.
Well...kinda. We floated on the pool. It's still much too cold to enjoy it completely!

And, I had to throw this picture in because she's just too adorable. Right?

I closed the day with a new obsession.
I had the sudden urge to practice drawing faces. So, I drew and scribbled and drew! I'll have to share more of them at a later time.

That wrapped up a busy week. Somehow, at the end of each one, they all feel so busy. I guess there's nothing wrong with staying busy.

How have you been filling your time?


  1. I like 24 the most, and I also like 20. I love the fact that they're all so different!

  2. You're so inventive, Hope! My favorite projects are 23 and 24 and that flower necklace is just gorgeous! Drawing faces is unthinkable for me :)


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