Creative Spark Winter 2015 Reveal

The fact that I'm getting back on track can only mean one thing: the newest issue of ZnetShows' Creative Spark e-magazine has been released! For those that don't know, I work as the Social Media Manager for (specializing in wholesale beads). ZnetShows makes their own cultured sea glass. They also have a beautiful selection of Chinese crystal beads and glass pearls. Those are their specialties. However, they have have a great selection of gemstones, base metal pieces, and more. Anyway. . .enough about all that. The new issue is out!
Creative Spark Fall 2014 Winter 2015 
The main focus of the issue is using the cultured sea glass to make icy winter designs. However, there are also some easy earring tutorials and designs made with the new cultured sea porcelain. In addition to the designs, there's insight from the designers, yoga for beaders, and some info on how to rock Twitter. It's a great issue!

I'd really love to know what you think about Creative Spark Winter 2015, so feel free to leave a comment here, on the ZnetShows blog, and/or on the ZnetShows facebook page!


  1. I had a quick look and was amazed at how much was included in this issue! I'm going to do a deep dive later and will definitely get inspiration from the images and ideas. Thank you!

  2. Hope-This is a great issue. I really enjoyed the creative designs and tutorials. I know I will be revisiting it again and again. Well done!

    1. Kathy, Thanks so very much. Your appreciation for it speaks volumes. Thank you! :)

  3. I love this issue - so many capturing creations! The cultured sea porcelain is gorgeous, have to check it out. And it's time I did something about my sea glass collection - like talking my husband into showing me how to drill holes in some of the pieces ;)

  4. Wow, the sea glass is beautiful and the designs are really great.

  5. Gorgeous creations! Jewelry making is a world I no nothing about, but the tutorials looked really well done~ that is so awesome that you work for a company that makes jewelry "candy" Hope, you must be constantly drooling over their stuff!

    1. Jenna, Somehow your comment got lost in my e-mails. Sorry about that! I'm so glad you like the magazine despite no background in it. Thanks for taking a peek at it! As for Znet's stuff. . .yes. It's hard for me to not to ask them to send me samples of everything! ;)

  6. I can't believe you do the entire magazine by yourself! we have a team doing BCM putting out 110+ pages .... you are amazing! some gorgeous work and designs in this issue. And so sorry to have missed the sea porcelain! that stuff is stunning


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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