Thrifty Finds

First off, Happy Valentine's Day!

I can't believe I haven't posted all week. . .well, actually I can. I've been WAY consumed with my paying job and haven't had time for anything else: blog posting, jewelry listing, or even being very creative at all. Sigh. All work and no play makes Hope. . . you know the rest. And, it's Mardi Gras here too. I do plan on taking a break to catch a parade this evening, but that means no Valentine's Day  dinner with the hubby. (He's not a huge Mardi Gras fan.) It's definitely been a balancing act here lately. Anyway, I realized I had some pictures of my recent 'thrifty' finds so I figured I had a little time to pop in and share this stash with you.

As Pat and I were cruising around the back roads, we stumbled on an estate sale where I picked up these goodies.
An alphabet/number stencil and some ink
Earlier that morning, I made a quick run up the street to a yard sale. For a whole buck I was able to take home these bits.
A collection of rubber stamps and a couple of cake tins
Here's a better look a the stamps.
You can't really beat that for a quarter
On a thrift store excursion looking for a baseball bat (to round metal for jewelry), I also picked up a few other scores.
On the bottom of that pile of books is a canvas I've already gessoed. Oh, and the book on the left is full of Chinese text!
And the best? At a couple of antique stores I found these goodies.
The long strand of crystals are smaller than you think. Tiny things are great! The two pads have a list of services at a beauty parlor. The feel of the paper is old and wonderful. And then the two metal stamps. . .not sure what I'll do with them yet, but they were a steal.
What have you picked up lately while out thrifting?

Oh, and I'm linking up this post with . . .
Vintage Inspiration Party at My Salvaged Treasures
Let's Talk Vintage at Bella Rosa Antiques
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours
Vintage Bliss Tuesday at Woman in Real Life
Show and Share at Coastal Charm


  1. OOOH! I love those metal stamps!

    1. Lorraine, Thanks! I knew as soon as I saw them that they were coming home with me. They were actually so inexpensive that I that I couldn't believe it. I definitely lucked up.

  2. Great finds! Can't wait to see what you make up.

  3. Great finds, Hope! Can't wait to see what you do with some of those things. I've been finding some pretty nice thrift store goodies, too. I shared my jeans in my last post ($2.25) and I'm going to share something that I picked up for Easter in a post in the very near future. Have fun at the parade, and Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

    1. As soon as I get a moment free from the 'work' I'm looking forward to being creative again! For now I just have to think on what I'll do with the goodies. Can't wait to see your finds too.
      The parade was fabulous! Always a good time when there are dragons involved. Ha!! :)

  4. SCORE! I love those antique stamps. Can you slap some ink on 'em, slam 'em down on some paper and put 'em up on Instagram? Please. BTW, what is your paying job? I suddenly, and embarrassingly, feel like I don't know you. Are you Agent Hope, Super Spy? If you have to kill me after telling me, that's okay, because I'm dying from suspense anyway. ; )

    1. Alan, I'll try to make some time to play with the stamps and show off their impressions. As for my paying job; I work as a consultant for a bead wholesaler (ZnetShows) as their social media manager. I also work with the design team to put out a quarterly online publication that showcases the beads. No super spying for me, and definitely no killing. ;)

  5. You always find such cool things when you are out thrifting. I love seeing your "deals".

    1. Lee, You are too sweet. I find a lot of junk too (or items I simply can't afford), but always try to bring home the cool items. I'm so glad you don't mind seeing my scores. :)

  6. Those are some nice thrifty findings... I love it when something like this happens on a whim. I have not been on such adventures lately, I am way overdue! LOL By the way, love your blog, you made a lot of changes...very nice!

    1. Christina, Some of those finds were found on a whim, others were during intentional excursions. And all these were found over two weeks ago. How sad, It'll probably be another week or so before I can go out on a thrifting mission, gotta finish that magazine first!

    2. Oh, and I'm so glad you like the blog changes. Thanks for noticing!

  7. I LOVE seeing your thrifty finds and hearing about your adventures. I keep thinking I need to box some of mine up and send them off to you to see what you do with them. I ended up with quite a bit of them from my mom and grandma. They will not likely ever see the light of day at my house :)

  8. Fun finds, especially those stamps and the crystals. Not much in the way of good yard sales this weekend, but I'm hoping the decent ones start up soon. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  9. Great finds, and I'm sure they will turn out inspiring at the end. Nothing to switch on lost creativity like a new find/purchase :)


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