ZnetShows' Creative Spark Fall 2014

Hey guys! I apologize for my absence the last week or so. I've been busy! It's time again for the ZnetShows' Creative Spark online magazine and I've been working my tooshie off for ZnetShows.com getting it ready for public eyes. Today's the day it's revealed!
Creative Spark Fall 2014 Fall 2014
I do hope you find some inspiration in it as there's quite a bit of eye candy! I don't have any of my own pieces in it as I was pretty focused on just getting it published. However, I'm pretty proud of this newest issue. What do you think?


  1. You did an amazing job with the issue Hope! Lots of great Fall inspiration in there

  2. What a beautiful magazine Hope! You must be so proud of your "baby!" I loved the quotes at the very beginning, I recently saw the one about living in a world with Octobers and thought it was so cool, didn't know it was from Anne of Green Gables. Also loved the Kurt V one. The page layouts are very artistically done, and the jewelry tutorials are amazing, I never knew how complicated your art can be~ thanks so much for sharing it, and the bracelets on the cover are just stunning!

    1. Jenna, Aw thanks! The designers definitely found and shared some good quotes for this issue. I liked them too. They also created some beautiful jewelry. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Kathy! I'm so happy it turned out so well. We took a little different approach this time with the separate challenges. I think it worked out quite well! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very inspirational designs in this issue! I took some notes and will be revisiting for sure! I didn't know about this activity of yours, you're quite a busy lady :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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