Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

I saw this blog post format on Jayesel's blog and liked it enough to try it (at least once). Who doesn't love a bullet-list post? Let's take this baby for a whirl!

Yesterday I. . .
  • discovered I was featured in this Shades of Gray Treasury on Etsy. The whole list of items showcases Etsy members from the Deep South.   
    Shades of Gray
  • shipped out an order!
  • had lunch with my long-time friend, Kate, at Lap's Grocery and Grill. We had a great time chatting it up and licking our chops over this glorious food. 
    My Cobb Salad that included smoked chicken and grilled shrimp!
    Kate's low country boil was super messy, but she really seemed to enjoy it!
  • pushed myself to get some items checked off the to-do list before I headed out to see Kater.
  • went grocery shopping
  • changed up the menu some as I wasn't sure the tilapia was any good after I discovered a hole in the freezer bag. We had some pre-marnated turkey breast chops by Butterball instead and really enjoyed them.
  • watched "Captain Phillips." Tom Hanks is an amazing actor.
  • Finished reading "Little House on the Prairie."  I learned so much from this children's book and think that every kid should read it or have it read to them.

Today I. . .
  • took too long to get out of bed after staying up late reading.
  • tried PB2 for the first time in our smoothies and found that we both REALLY liked it.
  • got this new necklace listed in the shop 
    Bright Fringe Necklace
  • plan on making our lunch today after eating out yesterday. Of course, that completely depends on what Mr. Man wants.
  • hope to get to do a little thrifting before I head to Mobile.
  • will drive over to Mobile to hang out with/help out my family. I pray that everyone is in a good mood.

Tomorrow I. . . 
  • will have a tougher time getting out of bed as I always visit with the family too long.
  • would like to get up and exercise in some form or fashion. (ha. . .we'll see how that goes.)
  • want to finish up my contribution for the AJE Component of the Month.
  • plan on starting to read my next book for the month, "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe."
  • hope to get another item listed in the Etsy shop.
  • might just make a Treasury (you know, since I was just in one and all!)
  • know that I'm forgetting something I need/want to do, but this list already seems over-ambitious!

How's your week going?


  1. Pretty picks that you choose to showcase! My daughter is moving to the Deep South--Atlanta. She is excited. I am happy for her.

    1. Kathy, They are pretty aren't they? Oh Atlanta. . .we call it Hot-lanta! I'm glad she's excited. It's probably the biggest city in the South. We've got friends there too but don't often get up there much. We're no fans of traffic. ;)

  2. Your Little House reference caught my eye, Hope :) Though I wasn't necessarily a fan of that genre as a child, I remember the Laura Ingalls Wilder books with fondness. I particularly liked the detailed descriptions of how they grew, prepared and preserved their food, and the simple amusements the enjoyed. I would probably reread them!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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