30 Words: Icicles

From the eaves they dangle
Melting to form a point;
Sharp like teeth,
Biting cold.
Yet even more pronounced
Is the blue sky promise
Of a warmer, dryer day ahead.

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...

Take an image.
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Share it on Erin's Treasure's Found blog.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! With a name like Hope, it's hard not to be a positive person :)

  2. I love icicles! They make me happy that I am warm and cozy inside the house. They make me happiest when they are dripping and telling me it is getting warmer outside.

    1. That's a great way of looking at it! I do think they're pretty, but am really relieved that the majority of them are gone now (seriously, in the last couple of hours. . .poof!) It's warming up and we're looking at highs at almost 70 for this weekend. Yay! Before long, I'll be back at the beach :)

  3. All I can say is WOW. This is great. xox jean

    1. Thanks Jean! I'm just glad it's starting to warm up at last. :)

  4. Wow! That looks like Minnesota, too! Great photo!

  5. I live in Panama City Beach and all my icicles are gone, YEAH and looking forward to warmer weather. But I glad you got a photo of them.

    1. Mary, Wasn't it great to see those things drip away!? I'm so happy it's going to be warmer today too. Thanks so much for popping in!

  6. Like craggy stalactites, I love the imagery of the 'biting cold' as they look like dinosaur teeth. But the promise of warmer days ahead. They are coming, right? Thanks for joining me in the 30 Words Challenge! Enjoy the day. Erin

  7. Lovely photo was writing. I love the contrast of the icicles with the clear blue sky.

    1. Thanks Linda! I thought so too. After days of just white clouds and no sun, no blue I was beyond thrilled to see nothing but blue sky yesterday!
      It was bliss and it's even better today. :)

  8. made me smile and made the thought of shoveling snow and defrosting my car a bit more bearable :-)

    happy weekend!

    1. Ana, I'm so glad I got a smile out of you but so sorry you have to deal with the snow. It's all gone here now (and I'm not trying to rub that fact in at all.) I have a great appreciation for what y'all in the North have to go through as I couldn't bear it for months on end. Stay warm!

  9. Blue sky promise. I really like that line. Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen! I used to fancy myself a poet, it's been a while though. This exercise is a great prompt to get those skills flowing again.

  10. Great photo. I love the contrast between the blue sky and black shadow of the eave. And in between is the ice.

  11. Can't wait for that promise to take in effect!

    1. I know, right!? This cold is killing us even way down here. You stay warm.


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