30 Words: Fairy Cove

A crisp, clear day had me yearning for adventure. That desire was fed by biking along the water’s edge, down long stretches of road, and into this hidden fairy cove.

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...

Take an image.
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Share it on Erin's Treasure's Found blog.


  1. Woohoo! So happy to have you Miss Hope! I love the mossy sides of this little path. Such mystery awaits every turn. Enjoy the day! Erin

  2. It's beautiful and we don't always know when the adventure will begin or end.

  3. I really like the sentiment in this!

  4. I can feel the anticipation of entering the Fairy Cove and what I might see.

    1. Mary, Oh. . .I'm so glad I captured that well and you can feel that too! I'm a dork about pretty wooded areas. I'm always expecting elves and fairies and nyphs and gnomes and whatnot. It's just the fantasy world I live in! Welcome!

  5. Oh my, it does look like a fairyland.

    1. Strega, Doesn't it though!? It's a shame the whole path wasn't as enchanted-looking, but it was a nice bike ride nonetheless. I appreciate you stopping by!

  6. A lovely road - to a fairy world! Lovely words as well!

  7. It's like a path to enchantment...anticipation of the magic around the bed. Great 30 words post

    1. Nadine- Thank you! Around the bend was the end of line for us. . .returning to the parking lot. Yet, I just love finding these hidden magical spots right off the path. They never cease to make me smile, just as your sweet comment did. :)

  8. Beautiful and inspiring!

    Have a great weekend discovering what lies beyond the bend :-)

    1. Ana- Thank you so much! I'll have the nieces this weekend, so we'll get to adventure and discover together hopefully!

  9. Beautiful shot Hope, "I do believe in Fairies I do I do!" I often feel the enchantment all around me when walking through the woods.

  10. Take me with you! Looks like an enchanting ride!

    1. Andrew- That part of the ride was, the rest of the 'trail' was plain, boring sidewalk that ran along the road. This little section was such a relief from the monotony of concrete!
      Thanks for popping in! :)


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