I'm a Guest Designer for AJE this Month

How lucky can one girl be? I was fortunate enough to have my name drawn  as one of the wildcards for the Art Jewelry Elements Component of the Month for January 2014. This month's component was created by the talented Jennifer  Davies-Reazor. You can read more about her development of the component on the Art Jewelry Elements Blog, but let me go ahead and show you what she sent ME!

Isn't it sublime!? I've just been oooohing and ahhhhing over the metallic and patina combination she achieved on the polymer clay. Love!

It's one of those pieces that if I didn't HAVE to have something made by the end of the month, I would probably hoard for way too long!

Oh, and it even has my name in it! GAH!! Let me admit that I'm just a little intimidated by it's awesomeness but I've got until the end of the month to come up with something.

Check back on Friday, January 31st to see what I've made for this challenge.


  1. How fun to see your name in that challenge piece! Can't wait to see what you make, I know it will be wonderful!

  2. Congrats! I cant wait to see what you show off. I get their emails...love all of the tutorials and musings... :-)

    1. Thanks! Yes, AJE is such a great group with so much fab information and inspiration.

  3. I can hardly wait to see what you come up with. I just love working with Jenny's pieces especially her metal.

  4. You lucky girl!!!!! It is stunning! I have a few things in my stash that i cannot bear to use yet either! Glad to hear that i am not alone!

    1. Patti- Isn't is great!? I'm glad the deadline will push me to use it. Maybe I need to pull out some other items and give myself a deadline to make sure they get used. I guess I better start with this one first. Ha!

  5. Sometimes a deadline is just the ticket to stop the procrastination (ask me how I know LOL). I'll be sure and join you to see what you create!

  6. oh fantastic! can't wait to see what you make with this!

    1. Cynthia- Me either. Right now I'm too intimidated to start so I'm playing with something else to work up to it! Ha. . .we'll see how that goes for me. Thanks.

  7. Oh how lucky you are. Can't wait to see what you make with this great component.

    1. Mary - Isn't is spectacular!? I need to get off my but and at least start picking out coordinating beads I guess. It's definitely going to be a fun challenge for me. Thank you!

  8. Oooh, you are a lucky girl!! I love the smoothness of the resin? and the texture of the clay around it, This one you may have to make for yourself since your name is already on it! I'll be back in a few weeks to see what awesomeness you create!

    1. Cory- Thanks for the vote of confidence. I do hope I can continue the awesome that this piece is into a finished design. For now, I just keep glancing at it, hoping it will speak to me! Where has that darn muse got to? ;)

  9. I am so excited you are participating this month. I am in awe of my piece as well!

  10. I smiled as soon as I read the text. How perfect is that!? Truly lovely piece, but I don't know how I'd use it in a design. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


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