My BSBP Process and a Meal Plan

I have to admit that I'm still dutifully hopping the Bead Soup Blog Party list. Since I had computer issues and was out of town for a bit, this process started much later than I had anticipated. I think I've made it through all the participants in the second reveal (my reveal), but am now working my way through the first reveal. It really is a process for me. Let me break down how I do it so you can understand why I may not have hopped your blog yet.

First and foremost, I create a word document for each reveal date with the links to each blog. Then, I go through the following routine.

1. Click on a random link within the document and locate the BSBP reveal in that blog.
2. Read and comment on the Bead Soup post.
3. Go back to my word document and highlight the link in yellow as read, or highlight in another color to indicate there was no post (so I can remember to check back later).
4. Look through the artist's blog for Facebook, Pintrest, Twitter, Etsy, Google friend connect/Google+, and any other social media links and follow them there.
5. Determine if the blog is one I want/need to follow in my RSS Reader. (Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of people involved in the BSBP, I cannot follow ALL the blogs participating. I do apologize.)
6. Repeat.

It is a lengthy process to undertake, but I want to give each blog hop participant the attention they deserve. And, now that Lori is only doing this once a year, it seems worth it just to discover some new blogs I may be missing out on. Yeah, I'm a little crazy that way, but I do enjoy spreading the love.

I guess the hardest part of doing this is working my way through it while trying to juggle all the other tasks I want to accomplish on a daily basis. Today I've only hopped 3-4 blogs but I've also made my meal plan, done some chores, finished two necklaces, and run errands. It's going to take me a bit longer to get through the 500+ blogs that participated this time around.

Anyway, since I did take the time to make my menu for the week, let me go ahead and share it.
Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, Juice, Healthy Banana Bread, Breakfast burritos

Lunches: Leftovers, Juice, Bean burritos, tuna noodles, PB&J

Guiltless Cheesy Mac w/green beans
BBQ Tofu pizza w/salad
Vegetarian Spaghetti

Whew! That took more time away from my hopping than I thought. Time to get back to it. If I still haven't hopped your blog, be patient. I'll be visiting soon. If you cannot wait, just leave me a comment with your blog link and I'll come on by ASAP!


  1. I soooooo hear you on the BSBP hop- I'm still working my way through. I'm trying to finish all the 3rd reveals first, since that's my reveal, but I'd already hopped to lots of the 1st reveals,...I'm still not able comment on some of the blogs, which makes me feel bad, especially when I really like their designs and want to tell them!! Glad to know someone else is trying to get through them, too!! ;-)

  2. Shel- I'm glad I'm not the only one who is still a little behind on the hopping. Yeah, there are some that are tricky to comment on. I've found a few that you need to be a 'member' in order to comment, but there are no instructions on becoming a member. GAH!! It's odd. Here's hoping you get through them soon. Of course, it looks like you're also checking out your regular blog list as well. . .I'm not even doing that right now. Oh well. I'll get it done eventually. :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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