Focusing on Life Week 18: Abstract

With all of my attention focused on clearing out the clutter, I almost let this week's photo challenge slip by me.

However, I figured that the prompt of Abstract could be anything at all so I grabbed the camera and a few items from my desk and went to snapping.

In Sally's e-mail about the prompt, she mentioned that Abstract is all about form, color, and line. With the help of a post-it note in my favorite color and this odd seed-pod-branch-thing I found, I think I might have just accomplished abstract. . .maybe.

Check out how the other participants interpreted this week's prompt over at Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime.


  1. LOL what a very different looking "seed-pod-branch-thing" and great eye for using it for this weeks prompt!

  2. What is it? Looks like a punch of miniture peace pipe bowls!

  3. oooooh - so interesting! love the brown seedpods against the blue - perfect colour, form and line combos :)

  4. Great photo, I'm enjoying this week's work!

  5. Wow, those are different aren't they? The seed pod thing does fit abstract too.

  6. that's so cool, but what is it? those are pods? you've got my curiosity going!

  7. Yes, I think you got it! Love the color and texture of your photo. Good luck with the de-cluttering.
    I've given up on mine....

  8. Teal and brown, round and straight. I think you did indeed.

  9. Very cool. I love how the shadows of the 'beads' made such cool shapes and designs on the paper. I think you nailed the abstract thing here!!

  10. What a very interesting piece of nature you found! Very abstract indeed!!

  11. Marlene- Aw, thank you so much. It is a different thingie. I've not seen one before or since I picked that one up. I'm glad I did pick it up though. ;)

    WovenSpoke- It's totally weird right!? I'm pleased that it fits the theme. YAY!! Thanks for stopping by.

    Cynthia- I have absolutely NO IDEA where the thing came from. I found it on the ground during a hike in the woods and had to pick it up. Like I said above, I've not seen another one before or since.

    Patty- Awesome! Thanks for the reassurance! I needed it. ;)

    Shel- I was trying to get a shot without the shadows so it would distract from the odd shape of the thing, but they ended up really enhancing it didn't they. Hmmmm. Thank you!

  12. Hope you did indeed show abstract. I like your seed-pod-thingy. I am glad to know that I'm not the only one who picks up unusual stuff.LOL

  13. Love that thing. I thought it was some kind of mechanical thingie!

  14. I love that you have a random seed pod thingy on your desk:)

  15. My goodness, the shadows rock! I can't see it any other way now, the second one the shadow totally looks like teeth - Aqua monster teeth maybe

  16. I thought it was rusty bolts or some sort of hardware! VERY cool abstract!!

  17. Hi Hope. Your seed pod branch thing looks exactly like an Australian Native bottlebrush to me. I have them in my front yard. The flowers look just like the brushes you use to clean bottles and are usually bright red. Here's a link to see the flowers

  18. yes, I believe you did capture abstract. I love the background, my favorite color too! It look like a spine!

  19. Laurie- I don't see the mechanical, but you and Annette both saw heavy metal of some sort! I guess it really is abstract. Yay! Thank you :)

    Karen- OMG! That's exactly what it is. We've got bottle brush trees here too and I never considered that might what it is. I really should pay more attention to my surroundings! Thank you for enlightening me.

    Adrienne- Thank you so much. It was such a great challenge, one that seemed to get us all thinking a little harder. Such a great color isn't it?

  20. What an interesting shape this pod is. I liked your post on organizing too. Good tips. Your craft room looks wonderful!

  21. Love your seed pod branch thing! The texture! Would love to know what it is....

  22. That branch is so amazing! Nature's abstract art! I want one like that!! lol. I will keep one as it is, and another one I will pain in different colors! :)

  23. Sumi- Thank you! I'll try to keep my eye out for more of these the next time I go for a hike and save a few up for you if you'd like. I think painting it is a cool idea, but it would ruin it so I'd much rather send them to you to see how they turn out! I'll let you know if I find any. :)

  24. That is a very cool seed branch thingy! At first I thought it was a string of cool beads. Love the brown against the aqua.

  25. What a cool pod! That would inspire me to see if I could translate that into some jewelry. Enjoy the day. Erin

  26. What a very cool pod! It looks metal to me as well, perhaps it's the aqua background that gives it that cast.


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