Last Meal Plan for the Year

My brain is just not processing the fact that 2012 has come to an end. Where did it go? I'm just going to have to accept that it's over and move on looking forward to a new one and all the promise it holds. I do hope you go into this new year with high expectations and wild dreams of what's to come. I'm doing my best to do the same.
It's just about time for me to do a wrap up of my goals for the year and let you know what the new ones will be (just as soon as I finish sorting that out.) I'm hoping to pop in tomorrow with both those lists, so stay tuned.

For today, it's business as usual. Or at least trying to get back to business as usual after the Holidays. Monday means it's meal plan time. It still looks like it'll be a crazy week for us, so I've probably over-planned our meals. At least I got them planned.

Breakfasts: Juice, Cereal, Raspberry parfaits, Cheese omelets w/toast & fruit, Blueberry pancakes

Lunches: Tuna noodles, Juice, PB&J, Cheese Quesidillas, Cheese pita pizzas

Conecuh sausage w/black eyed peas and spinach salad (spinach, strawberries, walnuts, blue cheese)
Spicy peanut butter tofu w/steamed green beans & brown rice
Crockpot chicken w/cauliflower gratin & peas

There's plenty more Menu Plan Monday where that came from. . .It came from I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Don't forget that I'm giving away a bunch of my old magazines. Just head over to this post and get all the info.

Now, get out there and enjoy the last few hours of this year. I hear in some places it's already next year. Crazy right!? Have a happy and safe one y'all!


  1. MPM definitely keeps me on track. I actually look forward to Mondays!
    Your menu plan looks delicious.
    Have a wonderful week and a Happy New Year!

  2. That broccolli Cheddar Jack Soup sounds delicious, and so perfect for our snowy day! I printed off the recipe and I can't wait to make it.

    It will be just me and the hubby here tonight as the kids all have places to go.

    Wishing you a Very Happy New Year!

  3. I wish you the happiest of new years! May 2013 be filled with joy, love, peace, good health, & creativity.

  4. Berry- YES! Knowing that I should post a menu on Monday kinda gets my butt in gear to get it written. Thanks so much for popping by. I hope you have a fab evening!

  5. Your menu looks good. I just can't bring myself to eat black eyed peas. I live in the south and it is just wrong for me to feel that way. lol
    Happy New Year,

  6. Pam- Thanks! I'm looking forward to it myself! I'm in the south as well and there are quite a few southern dishes I don't eat as well (cornbread and collard greens to name a few) so I feel ya. Actually, we're having the spinach salad to replace the collard greens that are traditional for new year's day in this area. Neither my husband nor I like any kind of cooked greens. Anyway, I hope you have a fantastic new year.


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