Lazy Friday and Linkage

My to do list is taunting me today. It doesn't look like much, and it probably isn't. However, it just feels like it's dragging me down. Of course that might just be the weight of my own body urging me to go get back in bed. I'm not sick. . .no worries about that. Just tired.
And I will get to the items on my list. . .soon.

Let me delay the inevitable just a bit longer with a Link post

First, Catherine at Not Dressed as a Lamb has some tips for creating professional looking product photos with (almost) no equipment. I know I'm always looking for ways to improve my photos. I'm definitely going to have to go through through this post of hers thoroughly.

I'm often stumped over what to talk about here and am always looking for new ideas. Daily Blog Tips has offered up this great list of content topics and ideas for your blog. It's a list of 15 topics and has really opened my eyes to some new subjects. I think this one's getting printed out!

While we're talking about blog posts, here's a article from Spice Up Your Blog with 28 ways to write reader-friendly posts. Looking down this list. . .I see that my blog still needs some improvement in order to be more reader-friendly. Oops! Sorry y'all.

My sewing skills leave much to be desired. In fact, I think learning to sew is going to be one of my goals for next year. For now, I can just save up links like this one from How About Orange with a list of cases, bags, and buckets to sew. Aren't those just spiffy? One day my friends. . .one day.

It's time for me to hit up that list before the day slips away from me. How's your Friday looking?


  1. I like that you have a list. But you have some daunting tasks on that list, girl! Sweep, mop, vacuum, mend! I am tired already!

  2. Thanks for the links to some great posts.


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