Menu, Giveaway, and Shop News

For some reason, I had a really tough time making out the menu today. It's finally done. . .whew. I'm still trying to get the hang of this low-meat diet while also not planning on just eating pasta and cheese day after day (even if that is all I really want to eat.) I think I did okay for this week. I guess I'll see when the hubby tries out the new dishes.

Breakfasts: Juice, Oatmeal/grits, Waffles or pancakes (from freezer), Yogurt w/fruit & granola, Hashbrown baskets (no meat)

Lunches: Bean burritos, Leftovers, Juice, Soup w/grilled cheese, PB&J sandwiches

Broccoli & Parmesan Casserole (page 186, Cooking Light Way to Eat Vegetarian) w/salad
Cheese pizza w/salad
Rosemary balsamic chicken w/roasted cauliflower & green beans

It all sounds pretty good to me. . .
There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Susie at Gathering up Bits of the World is giving away "Journal It" (a book on creating visual journals), some journal goodies, and one of her own hand bound journals. Awesome right!? Just pop over to her blog and leave a comment to be entered.

Also, there's a coupla items on sale in my shop, a new item or two, as well as a few renewed pieces you might want to check out including this one.
Calm Storm Necklace

Lastly, lets not forget the men and women who have served our country on this Veteran's Day Holiday. Their sacrifices have given us so very much. Thank you Veterans!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hope,
    Yum yum it all sounds good to me! Beautiful necklace. I hope you are enjoying the cooler temps we are having.


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