
Thanks to those of you who made it through my goal review yesterday. I'll make it a little easier on you today with a simple

Two more quick things and then I'll let you get to the rest of your Friday.
1. My Purple Earrings were featured in this really gorgeous treasury.
2. I made some earrings out of paper. . .they're now in my Etsy shop.
All the Frills Earrings
 That's it for me. I've got loads of plans for the weekend and am totally looking forward to it. What's your weekend looking like?


  1. Lots of fun links, butI'll have to check them out later. I'm up to my eyeballs in a hefty must-do list today.

    I hope your weekend is splendid!

  2. Oooh I like the look of those origami card holders, and your paper earrings are sweet!!
    Thanks for all the great Links :-)

  3. Love those paper earrings!! I'm on vacation this week in Gatlinburg so I am going to check out some of bead stores around here. Should be fun!!

  4. Tiffany- Thanks. That sounds like a lot of fun! Make sure to share some pictures when you get back. I'm sure it's gorgeous up there this time of the year. Have fun!! :)

  5. Love, love, love those paper earrings. They are the cutest thing!


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