My Weekend (MMSM)

I am bound and determined to get a post up today. I think Monday's links are the best and I spent some time last week organizing all my saved links for y'all, so I want and NEED to share them.

First up, a review of the weekend.
Disappointingly, the Counting Crows concert we had tickets for at the Wharf was canceled Friday morning. I was grief-stricken over the news. However, LOML knew just how to console me- margaritas and Mexican food.
Saturday- I poured more of my grief into yard sale shopping. Unfortunately, there was little that caught my attention. We puttered around the rest of the day them met up with some friends for pizza and beers at Hopjacks. They have a few beer mixes- I chose and stuck with the Black and Blue (Guinness and Sweetwater Blue- two of my favorite beers). While you could pick up subtle hints of both beers, I had a hard time distinguishing my favorite parts of either: the rich, deep flavor of Guinness and the hint of blueberry in the Blue. Overall, it was a good mix, but I will probably just go with one or the other next time.
Sunday - After sleeping WAY TOO late, we had brunch and then I shop off to Mobile for a meeting. We lazed about the rest of the evening.

Alright, now that I've sufficiently bored you with the details of my weekend, let's move on to some "Made Me Smile Monday" lovelies:
  • I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned it before, but ever since I saw Swiss Family Robinson as a kid I've wanted a decked out treehouse. Maybe one day (*hint hint LOML*)
  • Marilyn as a child
  • Big buck article- make sure to read the caption -
  • bad name for a boat
  • String, not just for cats anymore. Seriously, GO LOOK at this one. It is fall on the floor funny!!!
S'alright- I've got a bunch to accomplish today at the house since some of Pat's friends are coming over tomorrow for band practice. I can't spend anymore time on here - plus I need to cook dinner and hope to get in a little craft time. I've got a pendant waiting to be collaged and I can't get it off my mind. I just wanna be crafty!!


  1. first visit to your blog-very entertaining-i also clicked on a few of the links and found some beautiful fabrics on one of them that I have saved to my favorites so i can return to purchase some. will be back thanks.

  2. I'm glad you found me entertaining, I worry if I am sometimes. I can almost bet which link it was that took you to the fabric.
    Thanks so much for visiting, and DO come back!!


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