Christmas Spirit

I guess it's about time for a blog post, huh?
My Christmas craziness has calmed down a bit. Yes, it is Christmas Eve, but I'm done. It's all over but my favorite part - the giving. I love the look on my family and friends' faces when they open the gift I've selected just for them. I've spent almost every evening and lunch hour over the past week and a half to get my shopping done. Now, I'm bored and fidgety. I can't wait to start handing out the presents.
And, I know that it's not all about that - see there was this baby. Nevermind, you've heard the story.

Oh, and I got the biggest laugh today when I was listening to the radio and they were doing a report on the tourism in Bethlehem. Apparently, "all the hotels are full."
He, he - get it - there was no room at the inn.

Anyway, I guess now the best time to send you all my greetings.

Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas!!

Tonight's the night all the magic happens. Remember to believe in the wonder that is the holidays and really cherish the time you have with your loved ones. I'll be back soon!

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