
Okay, okay - I have not fallen off the face of the Earth and am not that slow of a reader. I've just been. . . busy.
I have so much to say, it's overwhelming. So, I keep waiting for time to cover it all. That's not going to happen. Instead of going in to too much detail, lemmie just do a bullet list for you.
  • Disney was great but exhausting. So exhausting, I lost TEN POUNDS!! I'll get some pictures up later of the experience (being in Disney, not the weight loss.)
  • I haven't had much holiday spirit until this week. It's probably the almost 80 degree weather that's doing it. But I'm finally getting some shopping done and it's taking forever to do it.
  • I did finish the Twilight series and loved every bit of it. I really want to sneak off and go see the movie (as LOML* will not go), but am kinda afraid it will lose the magic of the book. Hmmm.
  • While I was in Disney LOML* bought a MacBook. Other than our iPhones, it's the first Apple in our lives. I've only gotten to play with it on a limited basis, but it's pretty cool.
  • Several of you asked about "rick roll." Here's the Wikipedia explanation: Rick Roll. Basically, it's an internet prank where you click on something and instead, get this rather than what you thought you were getting.
  • I'm a little disappointed that I haven't gotten much crafting done this Holiday Season. It's the perfect time of year for making stuff. Instead, I've been vacationing, READING, catching up with LOML*, and shopping. Instead of posting yesterday, I did sneak into the craft room for a few hours to decorate some glass ornaments. I felt so much better after that. I want to make a few other ornaments/jewelry items to use as package embellishments, but we'll see how that goes in time.
Okay, I hope I've at least covered everything for now. To help with my holiday spirit and yours, take a few minutes to enjoy this video. It spans generations and gives me goose-bumps. I hope you enjoy it too!!

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