Martha Stewart and Me

OMG! Martha Stewart is doing a thing on bloggers and will be linking to several blogs from hers. In order to be considered you must leave her a comment and then link to her blog from your own. I'm so IN!!!

In other news:
1. My laptop is finally fixed but I probably will not resume regular posting until tomorrow. I'm sorry it took so long but I apparently royally messed it up. The tech at work says it's not my fault, but I'm sure it is.
2. I'm still not preg and therefore in a bad mood today. Hopefully, a little birthday party for my grandmother tonight will make me feel better. For now, I'm just down in the dumps. Blah!!
3. I have been rather crafty for the past several days: sealing and backing shrink plastic charms, helping the nieces make cards for my grandmother, making my own cards, and creating a few necklaces. See. . . CRAFTY Hope (that's me)I even did all this before work, in the morning (shudder.) Those that know me well know that for me to accomplish ANYTHING in the morning is an accomplishment indeed. Be proud, be very proud.

I guess that's all for now. I hope you all are doing great!!

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