Just a Quickie and Some Thrifty Thursday Love

I want to quickly, quickly make a post. This morning I still had almost a thousand blogs to read (GAH!!!!) and I'm in the office - so no funny stuff (or not much anyway).

I feel like I've neglected my husband all week. Though I haven't completely. I've given him some space with his friends and took care of some tasks that I had of my own - namely my Mardi Gras Society and my nieces. I want to make him a nice dinner tonight and that weighs heavy on my mind. What to cook, what to cook? Hmmmm....

Anyway, it's "Thrifty Thursday" and I'm here to share:
  • Being thrifty and frugal is all about getting as much use out of items at the lowest cost possible. Have you ever thought about some other uses for a laptop. These are great - maybe not practical, but great.
  • Here's how a whole chicken is a frugal meal or five. I really want to use this idea myself as I am a big fan of the chicken meat and don't mind eating it often.
  • If you use bar soap for showering or next to your sink, you know how annoying those last little slivers can be. Here are 6 ways to recycle soap slivers and relieve another annoyance from your life.
As it is 9/11, please take a moment to remember those who were lost on this day. They may have never chosen to fight for our county, but our county is fighting for them.
I'm out for now.

1 comment:

  1. I needed that frugal chicken meal link. My mom always tells me the story about how when she was a poor grad student, she lived off one chicken per week and I always wondered how she did that. I may need to start doing the same and Jason loves his chicken so thanks for that one!!! :-) Hope all is well way down by the water!


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