A Little Geek for the Soul

I want to introduce "Techie Tuesday", where I will be bringing up a neat tech, internet, geeky tool that may, in fact, make your life easier or a little more fun.

Since I just started a blog that I hope everyone is interested in and wants to read as often as possible, I thought I would introduce you to Bloglines.
In the simplest terms, it collects all the blogs you read in one place so you don't have to go skipping all over the internet to read those blogs that interest you. You can even install a button into your toolbar that makes it easier to add a blog to your bloglines list of feeds.
Here's what Bloglines says about itself (from their About page):

Bloglines is a FREE online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content. With Bloglines, there is no software to download or install -- simply register as a new user and you can instantly begin accessing your account any time, from any computer or mobile device. And it's FREE!

Bloglines is a window to a whole new world of dynamic content that is being created and distributed over the new "live" web. You can make your own personalized news page tailored to your unique interests from our index of tens of millions of live internet content feeds, including articles, blogs, images and audio. And it's FREE!

Bloglines shields you from the confusion of news feed standards -- RSS, Atom, and others. Bloglines allows you to search for, read and share any updates from your favorite news feed or blog regardless of its authoring technology. And it's FREE!

Last, but not least, Bloglines provides you with the tools you need to begin creating your own clip blogs and blogrolls. Become a publisher, share your thoughts and opinions! And it's FREE! Get started today!.

I admit that I have probably not used Bloglines to its fullest capacity. However, simply having all the blogs I want to read in one place is a beautiful thing. In fact, I have two different accounts; one for work and one for pleasure (craft, frugal, and friends' blogs). At some point, I will put up a blog-roll on this site that will list many of the pleasure blogs I read. However, right now, Bloglines keeps track of all of that for me, and it is invalauble.

Try it out.

I will try to post again tonight, but I really need to get LOML's* clothes ready for his interview and clean my house some. So, we'll see!

*LOML= Love of My Life


  1. Thanks MA! Now I've found your blog too and have added it to my bloglines! Cook stuff!

  2. I meant cooL stuff, but you can cooK stuff also if you want!

  3. Our other blog is: http://southernaloha.blogspot.com/



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