The Sharing Season - Big Announcement

 Y'all, I'm a little bewildered that I'm included in this amazing group of artists for a fun mixed media play date.

YES! Here's a little information about The Sharing Season Art Play Date from The Ugly Art Club.

It's the Season of SPLENDOR & SHARING & we invite you to join us in a handmade gift workshop that'll knock your elf socks off. It starts as a 4-hour live workshop & spills over into a bunch of pre-recorded lessons. The first 4 hours are with TUAC founders, Tiffany, Kristin, & DeeDee. The pre-recorded sessions will include the live session, but also extra content from some previous Guest Artists of TUAC!
-Lisa Goddard
-Kiala Givehand
-RobenMarie Smith
-Ali Manning
-Leaca Young
-Hope Smitherman (ME!!)
-& Jennifer Stone

It's all about handmade gifts & gift-giving & we couldn't be more excited to share with you! It's $24 to purchase the course ahead of time, & will be $34 after the live session has ended. Even if you can't make the live portion, it's a $10 savings to purchase beforehand, & you'll still GET the live session, just as a replay.

Doesn't that sound like fun!? The live play date will be December 4th. So, you have just over a month to get the discounted deal. I'm so looking forward to it and hop you'll join us. Make sure to click here to join in


  1. This is so cool - good luck with the course! What do you plan to demonstrate?

    1. Thanks, Divya! My video isn't quite made yet, so I'm not completely revealing what it is case I change my mind. I've got a solid idea - just need to record it. Eek!

  2. This is so exciting! Congratulations on being selected!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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