Thrifty Thursday

Although I've been trying to organize and purge the craft room this week, I still hit up the thrift stores and estate sales. WHAT WAS I THINKING!? (And, I've already hauled a few more things home. sigh.) Here's a peek at some of my treasures.

These were from a local charity shop that's often hit-or-miss. 

Speaking of hit-or-miss, Goodwill has been a little bare lately. But, I did stumble on these containers that needed to come home with me. That glass jar is already mostly full of buttons.

On my FIRST trip to the estate sale of a fiber/quilt artist, I picked up these few things.

This is what I brought home after my second trip to her house. There were lots fewer people and a better chance to look around (hence the reason I went back two days later.)

Here's a better look at the buttons I got from her craft room. The jar of buttons was the most expensive thing I bought. I'm pretty sure it was worth it. 

There was at least one other haul I didn't include a picture of, so you may want to watch my Thrifty Thursday Haul Video to get a better look at everything. 

Let me apologize for having two thrifty posts in a row. I've been busy cleaning and working on a new mixed media challenge (of my own design) that will begin on Monday along with handling household responsibilities. I'm trying to balance it all, but I don't think it's working out so great for me. Hopefully, I can get back into the groove of blogging and find a routine soon. Thank you for taking the time to head over here. 

Have you been thrifting lately?


  1. The tins are my favourite. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

    1. Thank you! I've definitely been a bit more selective about the tins I buy as of late. So, these were some good ones for sure. Thanks for take the time to come by!

  2. I read your thrifting posts with great pleasure :) The glass jar and the buttons are my favorite of the finds!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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