Reveal for June Honey Do List

Two posts in one week! That hasn't happened since the beginning of the month. I must be getting back to feeling like myself. (Here's hoping the trend continues.) I've been off my game when it comes to challenges lately, so I made a little time over the weekend to take a good, hard look at the inspiration photo from Eric and Sarajo for the Honey Do List At SJ Designs Jewelry. And, it worked. Almost immediately, I had an idea. 

Okay, so this means nothing to you if you haven't seen the photo. 

Apparently, those are Lady Slippers. 

While I now see how the center shape is reminiscent of a ballet slipper, the general bulbous shape is what drew my attention. I decided to cut something similar from tin and see what I could do with it. As well, the tendrils from either side made me think of copper wire. So...I had a direction.

I knew that the bright yellow wasn't in my stash of tin. And, I was aware that it wouldn't really make for the most appealing earrings. So, I skipped that entirely and focused on that shape. 

I have to admit that I had hoped to do something more with the copper wire. I tried flattening and twisting it, toyed with altering the color with a torch, and even tried making ball-end headpins. Alas, none of those techniques worked out as I had hoped. So, I kept it simple so that I would be able to actually FINISH A JEWELRY CHALLENGE! And, I did that. So, it feels like a win. Make sure you head over to SJ Designs Jewelry to see what Sarajo and the other participants made with the inspiration from Eric. 

How are you doing with the whole "getting back to normal" thing?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Kelly! It was so nice to actually get a jewelry project finished! I've mostly been stocking my bead box for my trip out-of-town next week, and even that's been slow-going. But, I'm glad I peeked at the challenge again and was inspired to create. Woohoo!!

  2. Those are really awesome, Hope! I love how the copper wire mimic's the side petals on the lady slippers. (There's probably a name for those but I don't know it!) Thanks for playing along with us! Love the result!

    1. You're too kind! I'm so glad I was able to take a little time and play along with this month's inspiration. You and Eric never fail to throw something out there that's not only inspiring but different and interesting. Thank you for being that, and for helping me get back in my groove. I've needed it so badly!

  3. Thank you, Kathy! I'm taken with it myself. I appreciate you taking the time to come over here and be so kind.

  4. I actually don't miss the yellow at all in your earrings for it captured the mood of the photo.

    1. Oh GOOD! Thank you for that reassurance, Divya. I just didn't think that earrings that bright would be very appealing, especially since I wanted to pair them with copper. Thanks.

  5. In your recent series of making earrings you come up with all sorts of connection solutions and here's another one! You use jump rings in so many inventive ways :) That said, I love interpretations that are not literal and this is one of them!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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