July Challenges and Inspirations

 I'm running a bit behind as I was out-of-town most of last week, but I can't bear not sharing the inspiration and challenges I've found for the month of July. I know they've all got my interest!

  • First up is ICAD (index-card-a-day) that I mentioned last month. It's actually in the home stretch for the original time frame of June and July, but there's nothing saying you can't use the prompts for inspiration at any time. Find all you need to know about ICAD on the Daisy Yellow site. 
  • Sarajo (and her husband, Eric) have revealed the Inspiration for the July Honey Do List. It's an interesting one, full of texture and shapes. Make sure you check it out. The linky tool will be up on SJ Designs Jewelry on the reveal date of July 26th. Note that Sarajo leaves the tool open for about a month from the reveal date so you have plenty of time to show off your jewelry creation. 
  • This month, the July Theme Challenge from Art Elements is Upcycle! It's a topic that's near and dear to my heart. As such, I'm really hoping to get something, anything made that fits the theme. You can reveal your upcycled makes any time during the month in the Art Elements Community on Facebook
  • The Halcraft Collection has shared the July Pretty Palette Inspiration that they're calling Sweet Peach Iced Latte. As you can guess, it's made up of creamy neutrals and peachy-pinks. Get all the details about their challenge by following the above link. 

And, that's it for this month. Hopefully, the July heat isn't getting to you and draining all your creative energy. What are you doing to stay inspired?

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