Peek at My Week (March 28-April 3)

 Each week, I like to do a quickly weekly roundup to both remind myself what the week held as well as give you a look at what I've been up to. Take a peek. 

While I wasn't exactly feeling like making jewelry on Sunday (rest assured that I did for my 100 Day Project), I did infuse quite a bit of other art-making into the day with some watercoloring and creating a mini junk journal. 

Artemis (the kitten) tried to get in on the action too. She's decided she likes snuggling in my lap while I try to work with her in my lap (she's there right now). Every so often, she decides that she might want to get on the desk. That's a big no-no for me so those fluffy paws were quickly removed from the craft desk after I got this shot.

I kicked butt on Monday and knocked everything off my list. While Pat was at band practice, I played a little in the above book with some watercolor pencils and crayons.

Tuesday began the way most of my days have started lately - with some bamboo kicking. It's how we keep from having bamboo stalks all over the property. It doesn't keep them from spreading though. We're going to have to work on that issue later. 

Searching for bamboo shoots has me traversing and exploring a good portion of the property. While out there, I spotted this tree stump (that Pat had to cut after the hurricane) covered in ivy. It reminds me that though some things have to come to an end, there will likely be something new beginning. 

I decided to finally have my hair cut (after two years of growth) and that chopped up my day a bit. I did fit in jewelry making (above) though.

And, I was able to create a page in that mini junk journal too. 

I guess some of that creativity bled over into Wednesday because I felt super-productive first thing in the day. However, that inspiration soon waned, and I had to find some more mundane tasks to keep me busy.
I also got these stunning earrings listed in the Etsy Shop. They include faux opals created from a tutorial from Fanciful Devices on Etsy

Thursday was a little rushed as I was trying to tackle several things before taking my niece to her dentist appointment. I was able to get the above metal feather painted with Vintaj Patinas before heading out the door. It had been one of the materials that stopped me in my tracks and stunted my productivity the day before. 

Friday was full of knocking out household chores and creating a few pieces as I worked on filling up my next Bead Box (reveal of the old one coming soon!) A friend came over in the evening to enjoy what is likely our last fire of the year.

On Saturday, I knocked out some yard work first thing - thinking it would be too hot later in the day for it. From there, I felt like I was aimlessly wandering from one task to another. I stocked the bead box with a few more designs as part of my 100 Day Project, but just wasn't feeling like actually getting any jewelry made.

I did find the gumption to make a little sketchbook from the tutorial in the Sketchbook Revival workshop from Kiala Givehand. But, I spent the rest of the day restless and unfocused. I ended up playing some video games for a few hours. And, that's how I ended my week. 

I'd like to share some of the inspiration that I found over the week with you.
I hope you found something beautiful on that list and that you find some beauty in your week ahead. Have a great one!

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