December Challenges & Inspirations

As we begin to finish up the year, there always seems to be so much to do both in preparation for the holidays and for the new year. It's often hard to eke in a little creative time, but I think it's also important to make time for art and creativity to lessen the stress of the season. As every month, I like to gather all the challenges and inspirations that I'm aware of in one place so that I can find them and also share them so that they may inspire you. Here's the list for December.

  • First up, this whole month is #CarveDecember, a challenge from Julie Fei-Fan Balzer of Balzer Designs. She has a list of prompts for the month on her blog. You are welcome to use them or go your own route. You don't even have to carve every day or post on social media. It's just about the inspiration. I really love carving stamps as a way to expand my craft supplies in a very personal way. I'm all over this challenge!
  • Over at Everything Art (the Wanderlust mixed media site), they've released Kasia's Advent Calendar 2020. It's a sweet mixed media course to inspire us in this chaotic season. And, it's FREE!
  • Sarajo has just shared Eric's inspiration photo for the Honey Do List for December. It's a lovely sunset waterway picture that I'm going to have to think about. She's set the reveal date for December 28th. But, that's just when she'll open the linky tool for sharing. You'll have a few weeks after that to share if you're running behind. 
  • Over at Halcraft Collection, they've shared the December Pretty Palette Inspiration along with the materials that work in the palette. 
  • I always love the Art Elements Theme Challenge that's open to any medium. They're having some blog issues but have revealed in the Art Elements Community on Facebook that this month's theme is All Things Christmas. As such, it should be pretty easy to participate!
And, those are all that I've discovered so far this month. If you know of any other challenges and/or inspirations that I can add to the list, just let me know. Will you be participating in any of these or are you just going to focus on the holidays this month?

1 comment:

  1. I love challenges as they are a major source of inspiration and creativity booster! Unfortunately, I didn't take too many this year but I think I have something for Sarajo's challenge and All Things Christmas, too ;) Looking forward to your makes :)


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