Home is Where the Heart Is (We're All Ears Reveal)

Most months, Erin at Earrings Everyday chooses a theme for the We're All Earrings challenge. Since most of us are (or should be) sheltering in place in our homes, she selected "Home" and what that means to each of us as the theme for this month.

Almost immediately, I was struck with the cliche that "Home is Where the Heart Is." I have to admit that I'm no fan of cliches (unless they're supremely funny) and no fan of hearts. But, as I sit in my house and realize how blessed I am to share it with people I truly love and things that make me happy; I can deal with the idea of both because the cliche rings so true right now.

On thinking about my physical home, the first thing that came to mind was the green of our property and the green of our tin roof. Ahhhhhh, TIN!!! I spent no time sketching out a basic idea for my first pair of earrings.

Like the pendant that I made for the Honey Do List, I cut out, embossed, and colored the roof and house from a blank cookie tin bottom. The heart was cut from tin that was already the perfect shade of red. I made the roof and house match the colors of my own home.

Attaching the roof to the house got a little fussy, but I finally made It work with some blackened steel wire. And, in the end, I LOVE THESE!! My only regret is that I didn't think to add a heart to the back of the houses too.

While I worked on the tin earrings, I had another idea.

It's a pretty simple one: dictionary paper, watercolor hearts, glass pebbles, and solder - done! I  even recorded a video to show you how easy it is to make the Home is Where the Heart is Soldered Earrings.

Both sets of these earrings are really lovely.
And, they're a great reminder of how special our own homes are, how we ache to be there after a long vacation or bad day at work, how there's nothing better than our own beds and our own people. And, the kicker is, that staying in that place that we love to be will help keep others and ourselves safe. So, let's do that!

Now, from the safety of your own home, head over to Earrings Everyday and see what everyone else made to represent their own homes. Thanks to Erin for another wonderful inspiration.


  1. Love the quaint tin houses! Its great that you made it to match your own house.

  2. I love the tin houses. You did an amazing job building them. Your other earrings are special too. Well done!

  3. OMG. Your tin houses are just too cute! I love the little roof pieces and how you made the house texture look like brick. I enjoyed your video for the glass pebble too. Fun idea.

    1. Sarajo, Thank you!! Yes, the tin houses are my favorite too - but I wasn't real sure how I was going to pull them off or I would have made a video of them instead. Adding the texture to both of them was easy with embossing folders. I love the added step of taking off some of the vintaj patina and darkening the tin underneath with Novacan Black. I saw that in a Vintaj video and am so smitten with the technique! It's important with tin to make sure you have well-sanded the surface before you paint or the tin may not darken. Anyway...you didn't ask for any of that info, but there it is! Ha!, thank you again!

  4. Absolutely adorable! You've done a great job representing your thoughts and feelings about your home. Your metalwork is great, and I love your project ideas.

    1. Aw, thank you Anita! This was one of those challenges that is just close to my heart. I mean, how could I not find a way to honor my home. I hope you're safe and well! :)

  5. Wow! I love, love these earrings! Those tin roof houses are adorable. You could make these in all sorts of colors! If you ever make more of those and want to sell a few, let me know! And the video was awesome! I learned so much! Thanks for sharing your talents with the world. Enjoy the day! Erin

  6. Replies
    1. Aw, thank you! I'm so happy with how they came out too. I wasn't sure that they would work, that's why I made the little soldered ones really: to make sure I had something for the reveal!


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