Peek at My Week (April 19-25)

Yet again, I'm running behind on my peek. Let's get right to it. 
We waited all day for a serious storm to come through. Since it was gloomy and dreary outside, I decided to make my own fun by finally opening a puzzle I had received as a gift several years ago. BUTTONS! We've worked on it on and off all week.

Pat went out to check on the pool and made a friend.
It's an Eastern Indigo Snake - totally harmless. 

The storm that rolled through that evening was pretty frightening. But, it rolled away after a few hours and the next day was beautiful.

And Tuesday as well. 

Even Zoe was sunny.

I ventured out on Wednesday for a few errands and stopped by the antique store to check on the booth. 

On Thursday, the clouds were back. So, I worked on a few projects inside. 

It was also the birthday of our oldest niece. We celebrated as best as we could with loads of presents and surprises and CAKE!
The best kind of cake - Tiramisu!

Friday cleared up nicely, and I found myself restless in the afternoon. So, I grabbed the metal detector and headed out to that burn pile that we had cleared.
The treasure was plentiful. 

Saturday was another gorgeous day. My niece, Taryn, stopped by for a few minutes for her birthday (yes, their birthdays are 3 years and 2 days apart!) Then, it was yard work followed by our first float in the pool. Then, the grill got its first use of the season too. It was a pretty awesome day. 

And, throughout the week, I kept up with #The100DayProject.
I used craft paint on Day 13.

Book Pages on Day 14.

Day 15 was Distress Stain in an art journal and on fabric.

For Day 16th, I used paint through stencils. 

Paper flowers were used on Day 17.

Day 18 was my favorite.
I used some of my rusted fabric and combined layered art with jewelry. It's turning out great!!

In all honesty, I'm not sure quite where the week went. I didn't find much inspiration for myself or for you, but let me share what I did find.

I hope your weeks aren't just disappearing and that you're finding the bright spots in each day. 

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