The Bee's Knees (Art Elements Theme Reveal)

You guessed it, the Art Elements Theme for April was Bees! Once again, I signed up a little late but was actually thinking about the theme all month long. 

When I was gathering dictionary papers to solder for the Earrings Everyday Home challenge, I went ahead and found some bee images to solder as well. 

Knowing I would have a backside to this type of pendant, I realized that I had a small bee stamp in my collection. And, it suddenly became the front of the pendant with the addition of the word QUEEN embossed in gold above the little bee. 

I aged the edges of both sides with a little Distress Ink in Old Paper. That color perfectly matched the cream faceted glass beads that I paired with black beads to create the chain. 
And, I was lucky enough to find a hook I had handmade some time ago in my stash. It seemed to perfectly match the little scrolls I created at the top of the pendant. That was a lucky find as though this was the first project I started, it was the last one I finished.

Before I began soldering, I decided to create a few word bubbles to add to my bowl of to-be-soldered. The excess dictionary paper from the Home challenge was sitting in my view and the word "honey" seemed to pop from it. So, I created the bubble and added it to the bowl.

When I soldered the jump ring on, I positioned it so that it would make it easy to string the charm on with some beads. And, that's just what I did!
I used beads from several jars of bead soup that fit in with a honey, black, silver, off-white color scheme then found a toggle clasp that had flowers on it to further accentuate the bee/honey theme. I don't make many bracelets, but really love this one! 

The project that really took up a big chunk of my time was a little assemblage piece. For some reason, a small candy tin caught my attention one day. The next morning, I was scouring the craft room for the little collection of silicone molds I know I possessed. I had a feeling there was a bee mold in there. And, I was right. I spent almost a full rainy day squirting hot glue into those molds, trying to get them to come out just right. It was an embarrassingly long time before it hit me that I could also use Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel which I also have in my stash and which would hold up better than hot glue. I molded all kinds of shapes in my little collection but made sure to create a few bees and flowers. 
Though my work on this tin was all over the place, let me just share the parts you can see. After sanding off all the color from the outside of the little tin, I painted it with a layer of a couple shades of blue Vintaj Patinas. One of my molded bees was painted on the backside with gold acrylic paint before getting glued with E6000 to the top of the tin. I punched a hole on the side that opens and inserted a floral brad, gluing it in place. The phrase "Welcome to My Garden" was simply printed out then colored with Distress Inks before getting glued on with Mod Podge.  I have to admit that I keep humming, "Welcome to the Jungle" everytime I look at the little tin. 

For the inside, I watercolored a piece of dictionary paper for the background and glued it down with Mod Podge. So that the background had some texture, I also created flowers and leaves with watercolors on various other book pages. These were cut out individually and glued with a glue stick. The flower and bee molds were painted with acrylic paint and glued with E6000.

I even punched a few holes in the top and made a little hanger so the tiny garden can be hung. I don't know why - but I had to do that. It was in my head from the start!

And, wouldn't you know it - two days before the reveal as I was looking for something else, I found these two beauties in my stash.
I guess I know what I'm doing next!

I can't leave this post without sharing at least one of the bee photos I captured last month.

Alrighty, I've rushed this thing along so you might have the chance to check out the other participants in this blog hop challenge reveal. But first, a huge thanks to Niky for the theme. I had NO IDEA bees were so inspiring.

AE team: NikySueJennyJenCathyMarsha


  1. Your soldered necklace is outstanding. The bees on both sides are wonderful and I love the beads that you selected for the necklace. Well done as always!

    1. Kathy, Thank you! I'm so stuck on soldering everything right now. It comes in phases for me. But, I've found myself to be having more luck with it now than I had in the past. Maybe age and experience is finally catching up with me!! I'm glad you like the beads for the necklace chain too. I need more of both of those now! I think I've fallen in love with the simple subtleness of that cream. Anyway, thanks so much!

  2. So many different beautiful bees! You could put together your own hive :-D

  3. Oh my goodness, you had fun this month! I thought your Queen Bee necklace was going to be my favorite (LOVE how your pendant turned out especially the way you embossed the word queen). But then your assemblage piece stole my heart. It's so cute. Good call on the hanger too!

    1. Sarajo, I did have fun - though I was stressing there a little yesterday about getting it all finished and photographed. Can you believe I was entertaining the notion of actually trying to make something with those other two pieces before the reveal? GAH! I would have killed myself trying and likely ended up with something I didn't like. I'm so glad you like that necklace. And, it's been SO MUCH FUN pulling in some of my art journaling/papercraft supplies with my jewelry (hence the gold embossing!) And, I'm relieved you like the assemblage tin. It took longer than anything, but I was determined to get it made. And, I don't know why...experiments and something new always excite me. So, I'll have to believe that's what it was. Thank you for all your kind words! :)

  4. I love how you dove deep into this theme and brought out some really creative and beautiful work. I always enjoy your posts and the insight into your creative flow :)

    1. Marsha, Aw, thank you! I think this time of having to work with what I have on hand, rather than running out for what I think I need has really the best creativity boost for me. I always believe that some of the best ideas come from having some restrictions. I think that's why I like these challenges so much too: they center my focus. And, I often need that centering.

  5. I love your soldered pieces as well! That first soldered bee charm is so amazing and I love the embossing as well! And your tin - what a cute idea!

  6. Hope, I, too love your little Altoids collage piece. Actually I love everything you've made for this challenge. As an aside, that last bead photo caught my eye ... I have some of those exact black and white ceramic beads ... can't wait to see what you make, mine's a WIP :) .... Alysen

    1. Alysen, Thanks so much! You are too kind. I had a lot more fun with this bee theme than I thought! That's always a good thing. And, I used supplies I forgot I had and discovered others. It's funny how that happens. You have some of those little bees too!? I have to admit that I'm not sure where mine came from. I don't know if it's handmade or from a store or what. And, I'm struggling with coming up with ideas for it at the moment - that's why I didn't press myself to use it yet. I think I may put both of those pieces aside for my next bead box unless inspiration strikes before then. We'll see. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create with them.

  7. Yellow and black combo of beads can be very staid. But you have ways to make them interesting.

    1. Aw, thank you Divya. I have to admit that yellow and black isn't a combo I use often with my pieces. But, that more amber, honey-color was a tad easier since I was thinking of it as more of a brown almost. It helped me feel the flow. Thanks for your feedback. It means so much.

  8. I love the soldered necklace and the fact that both sides are decorated with bees. I really love that 'Honey' charm also. Your painted/decorated tin is adorable. I have never made components with hot glue or embossing enamel and molds before! I will have ato check that out.

    1. Cathy, Thanks so much! I have to admit that the other day was really the first day I really played with using the glue and enamel in the molds. The real problem with both of them is that they both melt when it gets good and hot. And, I live in Alabama... Ha! So, I can't make anything with them that will be outside for extended periods of time. But, I suppose that's okay. The glue molded pieces tend to be a bit softer and pliable and the enamel ones are a little brittle, but harder. I may have to do a video or something. Hmmmmm. Thanks for hopping by!

  9. Well, I was falling in love with your jewelry when I read further on and got to your candy tin assemblage. What a delight! The front is adorable enough, but then you open it up and find a pretty and sweet assortment of things that not only scream spring but are perfectly bee-worthy. Well done. Your jewelry is terrific, too. The honey bubble charm speaks to me as "honey" is what I always call my husband. He looks up in shock or even panic when I say his name instead, it's that unusual. Great pieces all around.

    1. Kelly, Aw, thank you! That's funny about your husband. When I got the bracelet made, I was thinking that it might be nice for a husband to give a wife that he calls honey or says is as sweet as honey. So, it works the other way around too! I appreciate you taking the time to hop by.

  10. Love those soldered bee pendants - the beads that were wired wrapped for the necklace are perfect! I love the explanation of how you created the tin. It is always amazing to me that people can work with paper like that and create something gorgeous from it. Love that picture you captured!

    1. Thanks! (I would call you by name, but I never know which of the two of you are commenting. lol!) I'm glad you like my pieces! I'm still working on my paper skills and on making myself use some of the things I have stashed away - like that little tin. It helps me ensure that I am always learning and adding to my skill set - though, enameling is next on my list. I have all the supplies, I'm just nervous with the torch! Eek!

  11. Your soldered pieces are wonderful and the jewelry you designed around them is fabulous. Every time I see your solder work, I want to run out and buy *all* the soldering things to try for myself. But where would I put yet another kit? That little tin with the assemblage is so sweet and showcases your skill with multimedia very nicely.

    1. Tammy, Thanks!! I completely understand not having the room for more things. My husband and I were just beginning the process of designing how to organize my craft room when everything shut down. So, I'm in a holding pattern myself. I want to have more surfaces on which to work along with some upper cabinet storage. Instead, I have a hodge podge of furniture and storage "solutions". Sigh. One day... Anyway, thanks again for all your kind words. They mean so much!

  12. I love, love your soldered pieces! And I admire your soldering but also the way you make these trinkets with tiny tins - they are so adorable and show huge imagination! I love all the textures you have added!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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