Peek at my Weeks (Jan 19-Feb1)

These last several weeks have been rough, so there's very little to see, but I kinda hate to have a huge gap in these posts. Most of my days consist of me caring for my grandmother who had several strokes and now for my mother as she just had surgery. But, let's take a peek. 
On Sunday (the 19th), I pulled out both the crockpot and the instant pot. In the crockpot was a roast for dinner while the Instant Pot was brewing up chicken stock. These dueling appliances would help ensure dinner and leftovers for the coming week. 

With a few minutes at home on Monday, I started pulling together ingredients for my next edition of the Bead Box.

Then, it was off to my mom's for a sunny day while sitting with my grandmother.
Oh, that's not my grandmother, but my niece's cat who was also enjoying the sunny day.

I was also able to get a little work done on Tuesday as I shared the earrings I made for the January We're All Ears Challenge

Though I'm not typically a morning person, it's necessary for me to leave the house just as the sun is rising in order to get to my mom's house before she heads to work.
On Wednesday, I was treated with this beautiful sunrise as I headed out the door. 

Much of the rest of the week was spent trying to fit everything in as I juggled chores for my house and caring for my grandmother. That Saturday was also my mom's birthday as well as an obligation in Mobile. Back at home, I worked on more chores.

Sunday was a bit of rest before I headed back across the Bay for Mardi Gras Ball rehearsal. Though  I knew I wouldn't be attending the ball, I wanted to participate in as much of the build-up and prep as I could. 
Mobile, Alabama is the original home of Mardi Gras in the States after all!

After spending Monday with Mawmaw, I returned home to puppy snuggles on the couch. 
It was good to relax as I knew the next few days would be rough.

Mama's surgery was on Tuesday. While I fretted in the waiting room, finding this gem among the kids' books brought a smile to my face.
Mama's surgery went well enough that she was able to go home that evening rather than staying overnight at the hospital. 

I still stayed the night at her house to make sure she and Mawmaw were well-cared-for. Then, after a long day with the two of them on Thursday, there was more Ball prep as I headed over that evening to help prepare food for the event. 

Friday was more of the same, but Saturday was the big day - The Ball. I spent the morning helping to decorate as well as getting a look at some of the other decorations that I would miss that evening. But, I had my own plans.
Pat and I had dinner out then headed to the Seanger in Mobile for a concert.

We saw The Indigo Girls!!
It was a wonderful show and a great way to finish up the week. 

I'm hoping that I'm starting to find some routine in this new schedule and can begin to get some work done - especially now that mama is healing well. Though, Mawmaw isn't improving as we had hoped. We'll get through it, we have to. 

I did find and share a few snippets of inspiration over these two weeks that I'll share here for you.

As I continue to try to work on my goals, I'm reminded that everyone has obstacles to overcome, and we all have to just keep pushing forward. Here's hoping your dreams are in sight! 

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to keep the balance in hard times, I wish you all the strength you can summon to cope with the situation. Still, you've had some fun, made some jewelry and have plans for more and also made such a long list of super intriguing posts!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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