Honey Do List Reveal for February

Participating in design challenges each month is my own little way to make sure I stay productive as well as get pushed out of my comfort zone. The Honey Do List from SJ Designs Jewelry is one of these monthly challenges. Sarajo's husband, Eric, gives her a photo to use as jewelry design inspiration, and she shares it with us on her blog. This month, Eric chose a monochromatic photo of a railing and its shadow. It reminded me of the wrought iron railings on the balconies both in my area (Mobile, AL) and in New Orleans. Since today is Mardi Gras, I figured that was plenty appropriate. Happy Mardi Gras, y'all!
Alas, my design isn't Mardi Gras themed in the least. HA! I suppose I could have tossed a few strands of Mardi Gras beads into the photos...but whatever. I'm not celebrating Fat Tuesday this year anyway and am just trying to get back into the swing of things. This challenge has helped with that - even if I am running a day behind on the reveal.

As soon as I saw Eric's inspiration photo, I knew I wanted to work with creating a simple silhouette out of darkened steel wire. It would most look like the black railing in the photo. 

However, I wasn't sure what design I wanted to create. A careful study of the inspiration helped me realize that the heart shape would likely be the easiest for me to replicate. 
I cut four pieces of 19-gauge wire down into 2-inch pieces before shaping them with round-nose pliers and various other tools. A wire jig would have likely worked better, but this was the method I chose. From there, some 28-gauge wire was used to hold the pieces to one another. Gunmetal-colored jump rings and ear wires finish the earrings.

It's not the most streamlined of designs but echoes the inspiration well, I think. 
These may be fairly simple, but I'm glad to be getting back into the groove of creating and blogging. And, this challenge totally helped. Big thanks to Sarajo and Eric for the challenge!

Make sure to head over to the SJ Designs Jewelry Reveal to see what she made for the challenge and check out the other designers too. 


  1. I love your earrings and they are perfect for the inspiration.

    1. Thanks Kathy!! I just knew I wanted a simple shape with that black wire to correspond with this challenge. It was tougher than I had envisioned to get the shapes to match up perfectly, but I think that's part of the charm of handmade too. I appreciate you taking the time to check them out.

  2. Oh, yes, they totally echo the inspiration! Very good idea and nicely done! Clever use of jump rings to attach the ear wires!

  3. You never cease to amaze me with what you come up with, Hope! I really love these earrings... such a fabulous interpretation of Eric's photo! The steel wire is so perfect for the challenge and I think that they came out so well. Glad you're getting back in the groove of creating. I totally understand how that goes... we've been dealing with a lot of health related issues with both of our moms. Hang in there and check back on Sunday to see what Eric dreams up for us next!

    1. Thank you, Sarajo! Eric's photos always push me to try something new, and I love that about the challenge. I hate to hear that your moms are struggling right now and pray that their health improves. Y'all will definitely be in my thoughts!!

  4. Nice wire work! I like how you ran with this challenge!

    1. Thanks so much! The vision was definitely there. While the execution wasn't what I had pictured, I think it worked out too. Glad you agree.


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