Mixed Media Valentine Art

I love getting the inspiration to take some of the supplies I've hoarded and then transform them into something beautiful. This was the case with these Valentine wall hangings. I used a few wood hearts and canvas boards from the Dollar Tree to make these fun pieces.

Since my video uploads have been a little sparse lately, I went ahead and recorded my process to make these Mixed Media Valentine Art pieces.

 But, the video doesn't really let you see all the details, so I'm sharing closer looks at each of them.

In the video, I call this one "the brown one."

I simply collaged on ephemera and whitewashed it.

The edges were aged with Distress Ink before I added splatters of gold and black acrylic ink.

E6000 adhesive was used to glue the Scrabble tiles and more Distress Ink highlighted them.
On all of the hangers, I used a thick gauge (19g) of blackened steel wire that looped into holes I had drilled.

The second heart was "the pink one." I repeated the process of collaging and whitewashing.

The edges were darkened with Victorian Velvet Distress Ink and Worn Lipstick Distress Oxide was used over the face to elevate the pink.

Again, black and gold splatters were added.

For the focal of the piece, I cut a heart from corrugated cardboard and peeled back the top layer to reveal the texture. Gesso was scraped across it to push back the brown. Once dry, it was glued to the heart. I used black Staz-on to stamp the Xs and Os onto a piece of fabric that was torn down to size and glued in the center.

Then, the heart was drilled and a hanger was added with more of the black wire.

The third piece took me a tad longer because of all the buttons.

For this one, a 6x6 inch canvas board was painted red.

Once the paint was dry, I arranged white buttons into the shape of a heart before gluing them down with more E6000.

A second layer of white buttons was added to cover the gaps and even the edges.

Once again, holes were drilled and wire was added for hanging.

My final piece was almost scrapped. I knew I wanted to use molding paste through a heart stencil to add a little texture onto a 4x6 inch canvas board.

The heart stencil was found at the Dollar Tree. I let the paste dry before painting it with a turquoise-ish acrylic paint. I thought I was home free from there. 

I sanded and added a spray ink and some black Staz-on. But it just didn't seem to be coming together. So, I scraped gesso on it along with more spray inks.

Once the spray inks were dry, it still needed a little something so I used a coppery wax paste over the top to give it a pop. And, then, I was in LOVE with it. 

Before it was done, I added the scrabble letters and highlighted them with Stabilo. To finish, I drilled holes and added the wire.

At long last, they were done! And, I think they're pretty sweet. I hope your Valentine's Day is also sweet (or at least full of crafty fun).

1 comment:

  1. They all are very pretty, Hope! The stenciled one is my favorite!


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