Art Journals in December

It's that time of the year when I should give you some lists: my most popular posts, goals for the new year, etc.; but I'm still trying to wrap my head around all that. I'll get back to you on it. What's the rush? For now, let me share some of the art journaling I did on the CraftyHope YouTube Channel that you may have missed.

There really wasn't that much as I let the month get away from me in the holiday rush. First, I continued to share pages from the Small Junk Journal series I had been working on. However, these are the last two in that series as I've been wanting to not be bound to a single journal and would rather work in whichever one is calling to me. Yet, these last two did turn out pretty great. (Clicking on them should take you to the videos.)
Small Junk Journal Page 21

Small Junk Journal Page 22

I also participated in a YouTube hop during advent as part of the Live Art Journaling and Self Development Facebook Group. I was day 6 of the hop and was asked to share a quick tip or technique. I chose to focus on using inexpensive erasers as stamps. In the video, I shared how to carve an eraser into a stamp.
Making Stamps with Dollar Store Erasers

As well, I showed how an eraser could be used as a stamp without even having to carve it. 

And, that was it for the art journaling I shared last month. I'm looking forward to exploring this medium even more in the coming year and would be happy to help you do that too. If you have any questions about my process, materials, or anything else; please don't hesitate to ask. 
Happy New Year!


  1. Eraser into stamp - what a genius ( and cost effective) idea!

    1. Divya,
      I'm so glad you like that idea! I'm nothing if not frugal and this is one of my favorite tips and tricks for art journaling. Have fun with it.

  2. It is always so interesting to see how your work comes together and I love the outcome!

    1. Cynthia, Thank you! Finding time to work in art journals has been challenging as of late, but it's so therapeutic that I know I need to MAKE time. Here's hoping your creativity is bursting this new year.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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