January Challenges and Inspirations

I know, I know! I just posted yesterday, but my blogging schedule is all out of wack compared to my calendar. I'm hoping this will help me to get in back on track.

Each month, I like to use challenges and inspirations to kick-start my creativity so I always keep my eye out for any. I share them so that you might be inspired to participate too. They are all art-related, some for specific mediums like jewelry, but are all ones that I would consider joining. I hope you do as well.

  • The Allegory Gallery Design Challenges facebook group has issued another calendar of daily challenges for January to jump-start your designs in the new year. There's still plenty of time to catch up or pick and choose the challenges you want to use. There's no pressure at all in this group. 
  • Classic Blue is the color chosen by Pantone as the Color of the Year and Erin at Earrings Everyday has selected it as the theme for this January's We're All Ears Inspiration. So, break out those blue beads and join in the earring fun. The reveal date is January 17th. 
  • Each month, Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry shares the photo inspiration her husband Eric has given her for the Honey Do List Challenge. This month it's a beautiful owl. Sarajo will have the linky tool open on Jan 27th. 
  • The January Theme Challenge from Karen at Art Elements is Berries. This challenge is open to any medium, but you must sign up for it by commenting on their blog post. The reveal and blog hop is set for January 30th. 
  • PaperArtsy has a topic to springboard your creations. Their first one for the year is Love is in the Air. I didn't see anything about any deadlines, but they welcome you to share your creations on their social media. See their post for more info.
  • Art Bead Scene has issued their Art Journey #1: The Art of Aubrey Beardsley. For this challenge, you need to use an art bead in your creation and can submit your contribution(s) anytime before Feb 14th. 
And, I think that's it for this month. If you know of any other inspiration or challenges that I've missed, please let me know. Happy creating!

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