Peek at My Week (Jan 12-18)

I thought that I would get into a routine while sitting with my grandmother during the week, but I'm still struggling to find a balance. I'm hoping to start anew with this week. After spending most of Saturday crafting, I needed even more of soul-soothing and suggested that Pat and I head to the beach for a little while on Sunday to get just that. 

He was happy to oblige. We actually started the day with brunch at Cobalt as Pat had a few gift cards that needed to be used. 
We headed down to the water after getting our bellies full. The Gulf was far too cold to take a dip, but the weather was perfect for a stroll along the water. 

Once my mood was in a better place, we took care of some business. Pat needed to pick up a few things at his studio, and I added these Valentine pieces to my booth at Southern Antiques and Accents

On Monday, I was back at my mom's. The weather all week was warm and weird, and our area was covered in fog.
The above picture was taken at 4:30 pm on Monday. So weird! It was on and off like that all week, finally clearing on Friday.

I hovered over my grandmother all week and didn't accomplish much other than getting a few things added to the Etsy shop. Though, I did come home each evening after seven to feed Pat and the niece. I was pretty pleased with how easy and healthy this meatless meal was on Wednesday.
Those were seven-grain meatless tenders along with roasted potatoes and broccoli. Pat and I enjoyed the tenders. Our niece wasn't as fond of them (she didn't add the barbecue sauce like we did.)

On Friday, we were able to work something out so that I could stay home to attend a funeral. I made sure to log a little time at the craft desk too.
I was working on finishing up the jewelry from my Bead Box 6 so that I could re-stock my container to have some more recent projects with me. Happily, I was able to complete all the previous designs!

On Saturday, Pat had a blacksmithing class first thing in the morning, so I was back at the craft desk while he was away. When Zoe and I headed out to check the mail, I stopped to snap some pictures of bright pink flowers to try and identify them with an app I have. While angling for a better position, I looked down and spied a few tiny mushrooms and some snails munching away on them. I couldn't resist!

After that, I began to narrow down the pieces that were going to be added to the Bead Box. 
I'm currently making the rest of the decisions about what will go with them, and it's going quicker than I initially expected. I guess the muse hit me!

With my motivation at a low this past week, I didn't spend much time looking for inspiration. And, I'm sorry about that. But, here's what I did find.

I hope the muse and motivation I've found these past several days stick with me throughout the week. And, hope you find some too. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Even without much inspiration or motivation, you've accomplished quite a lot on many fronts! I know from personal experience that hard times affect motivation but inspiration is also a way to get over them so it will come to you!


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