Peek at My Week (Aug. 11-17)

I tried to make more of an attempt to take pictures to share with y'all this week. That's funny because I started these weekly peeks partly to share some of the pictures I didn't share elsewhere. As some of my tasks have become routine, I guess some of the picture-taking dropped off. I'm working on reviving that habit.
On Sunday, I was actually able to tackle an outside chore that had been on my list for a while: cleaning the windows. Despite being somewhat in the shade, it was immensely HOT. So, a jump in the pool was necessary. As I was getting out, I noticed blackbirds all in the trees and across the back yard. This was the best picture I could get of them as they kept flying off as I approached. It was really cool, though.

The plan was to get back in the pool and grill dinner after a few more hours, but an afternoon thundershower ruined that plan. This time of the year, most days are punctuated with a rainstorm in the afternoon. It makes having an afternoon dip kinda difficult.

Monday was full of errands, including some school supply shopping. While I'm not going to school, I did pick up some pencils for myself. I was so happy to see them in rainbow order!

That evening, we were actually able to get the grill going before any storms blew through.

For some reason, I woke before daylight on Tuesday. It helped me ensure that I packed in as much as I could.

I took Zoe out at one point, and she insisted we take a walk through the trails. I spied that the beauty berries have started turning colors. I love that shade of purple.

Along one of the paths, I discovered several ferns that were withering away for some reason. This in-between stage was really quite beautiful.

I needed to get product pictures taken but it was simply too hot to bear the sun for that length of time. So, I decided to use the sunroom instead. Zoe wasn't thrilled. I did realize that instead of pulling out a folding table, my ironing board was the perfect surface to use. It's lightweight, height-adjustable, and sturdy. I WILL be using it again - maybe even outside!

I hustled to get a few tasks done on Wednesday as that afternoon my niece and I went to her college orientation presentation thing. What that WHAT!? College!!

As a reward for both of us being so grown up, I made taco soup and homemade tortilla chips. It was delicious.

Before heading out to take my grandmother to an appointment, I spotted Rosalina in her cutest sleeping position. She wasn't thrilled about me disturbing her nap. Look at those paws! 

After the appointment, I got a less perturbed picture of my niece's cat.

Friday was full of chores and a little stress, so an afternoon swim felt-earned. 

As graying skies ran us from the pool, I spotted this tiny rat snake. That put a smile on my face.

Saturday seemed to slip through my fingers. 
I played in the craft room some before meeting a friend for lunch. After that, it was just a lazy day that included me being in the pool for about three minutes before there was a big lightning strike nearby. Well, poop. Everybody out of the pool.

And, that's how my week went. How about some actual inspiration?
 It's been a busy but productive week, despite the rainstorms. 
I hope you were able to get something done too. 

1 comment:

  1. Some great pictures, Hope! That fern looks like somebody doodled on the leaves. Oh, and if I see a snake, it will be the only one smiling :)


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