August Challenges and Inspirations

Who doesn't need a little creative inspiration every once in a while? I love that I get the chance to participate with other artists using the same prompts to make something. Though the challenges are the same for each of us, our results are always so diverse. I'd love to see how you interpret some of the inspirations I've found for the month of August.

  • Each month, Sarajo's husband Eric gives her a pictorial prompt from which to draw inspiration. She shares it with the rest of us on her blog and calls it the Honey Do List Challenge. This month's picture is a lichen-coated wall in England. Ooooh! The reveal date for your jewelry creation is August 26th.
  • The team at Art Elements opens up their theme inspiration to other artists as well as to any art medium you desire. I'm totally digging this month's octopus theme! If you want to participate in the August 31st blog hop, make sure to leave a comment on their blog post with your e-mail and blog address. 
  • Art Journey #6 from Art Bead Scene has been revealed as the art of William Morris. Contributions for this challenge must include an art bead. You have until September 7th to get your jewelry in.
Alas, that is all the inspiration/challenges I know of for August. If I missed any, please let me know. What's inspiring you lately?

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning to make something octopus! Haven't signed up yet but I do hope I can make it! All of these challenges are so very interesting but, unfortunately, I won't be able to take them! The good thing is, they're monthly so we all have one more try :)


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