How Many Projects are Too Many

I'm wondering: how many projects is it acceptable to have in progress on at one time? Two? Three, maybe? I just realized that I've got projects scattered all over my house. 

On my desk, you'll find some in-progress tin and button earrings.

Next to the desk, on top of my art cart, is the open art journal - waiting for inspiration to strike on how to finish those pages.

My metal punch sits waiting in the floor of the craft room (it's the sturdiest place to work) for me to punch more tin circles. 

Nearby is my re-stocked bead box, but I really only use it when I'm out of the house. 

The coffee table holds a tray of beads and wire - a leftover bead necklace in progress. 

Near it, I've got a notebook full of project ideas for the upcoming September Challenges

And, then there's the big project - replacing our deck. I should actually be out there pulling out nails. Instead, I'm inside writing this, finishing my coffee, and waiting for my phone to charge so I can listen to music while I tackle the house-cleaning before doing a little shopping.

So seriously, how many projects are too many?
What do you have in progress?


  1. Haaa..LOL. I really liked the last part about writing your blogpost while you have so much to do. Be happy, that you are atleast doing something useful. I have so much to to do and I am playing a crossword game on my phone to sort my head before I begin to tackle all my chores.

  2. All worthy projects. You finish a lot, so these are not too many. And at least you have them started. Mine tend to mostly be in my head or in sketch books.

    1. Ann, I don't finish as much as I'd like for sure. I get so distracted so easily. I've actually got a few more in a sketchbook than usual as I'm trying to keep track of some of those ideas that pop into my head. (If I don't write/sketch them down, I'm prone to forget.) Now, if I can only get to working on the! Here's hoping you get to yours too! :)

  3. So much going on! You can never have too many projects going on! I will be moving into a large office space in our new home once we have our flooring done. So I am concerned that I may set up too many stations with projects everywhere too!

  4. oh dear, you'd definitely consider that I have too many then. I'm on over a hundred.


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