Meal Plan, Despite Distractions

Once again, I've let almost a whole day get by me. That's not to say that I haven't gotten anything done, just not the tasks on my list. It was too easy to get distracted by beads and inks and paper. . . .
How could I not!?
Thankfully, I did make the menu first thing this morning.

Breakfasts: Cereal, Smoothies, Oatmeal/Cheese grits, Yogurt w/easy granola, Cheese omelets, Waffles

Lunches: Leftovers, Tuna Noodles, PB&J, Cheese quesidillas, Chicken salad sandwiches, Bean burritos, Soup w/grilled cheese

Steak w/boiled potatoes & green beans
Vegetarian Dirty Rice w/cauliflower
Taco Soup (from freezer) w/tortilla chips
Spaghetti w/salad

So far, I'm not even doing very well sticking to the menu (breakfast didn't exist and lunch was takeout.) I do know dinner will go off without a hitch, the steaks have finally defrosted (we were supposed to have them last night!) I'm linking up with Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Now to see what else I was supposed to do today. A creative life is never idle. What distracted you today?


  1. I can see why you were distracted. The beads are just lovely and the inks beg to be played with.

  2. Being home is so distracting! There are always fun crafts to do, but then there are the chores that need attending to. I love being able to take breaks though to cook and make something delicious.


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