Documented Life Project: Week 1

Despite my love of beads and found objects, I still find myself drawn to paper and paints and all those other 'basic' arts and craft supplies. My discovery of Art Journaling a few months back only snowballed into a full-fledged obsession. Early in my discovery, I stumbled on The Documented Life Project which gives out weekly journaling/art prompts in order to help you document your year. You can find more about The Documented Life Project at Art to the 5th.

I jumped aboard this project wholeheartedly late in this past year and was really excited about the new year so I could start the project from the beginning. I was so excited to start anew, I even recorded a video of the spread I made for the first prompt.

If you don't feel like watching the video in full, here are a few pictures of the spread I made using these prompts:

January Theme: The Blank Page and How to Face it!
January 1 - 
Art Challenge: Book Paper
Journal Prompt: Be Your Own Goal Keeper

And here's the final product in whole.

I'm really enjoying this process as it gives me a little direction with my art journaling and should help me keep track of my year too. Are your documenting your year in some way? I'd love to hear all about it.


  1. The process is so fascinating that it makes me want to try it but my drawing skills and sense of color and composition are close to null so I will just enjoy other people's work. The only way I document my years are the pictures we take and sometimes we make collages for friends or a special occasion. May be we have to do it more often :)

  2. That's great, Hope! I have always thought about trying some art journaling, but just don't have time for everything I want to do. My blog is my journal, and it includes my art, so I guess that's as close as I will get for now. Can't wait to see more of yours!

  3. This is such a unique way to document things. I imagine journaling this way will be really fulfilling throughout 2015.

  4. My blog is how I journal my year. Not very artistic, but I don't have to clean up anything except for the empty coffee cups and cookie crumbs on my desk. lol.

    1. Lorraine, Ha! You are right though. My journaling makes a MESS! Not to mention all the supplies that clutter my craft room. I don't think I'd have it any other way though. :)

  5. Hope this is so interesting! I am going to closely watch your journey. I may tell my daughter about this. She is a wonderful "scrapbooker" and I bet she would have a talent for this. I have no more room for "crafty" things, LOL, between the beads, sewing, knitting and now I'm trying polymer clay I do love what you did. It's beautiful.

    1. Lee, Thank you for your kind words. I'm still learning myself, but am just enjoying the play. Best of luck with the clay. I've got some of that too, but just haven't gotten the 'bug' for it like I have for other mediums. Here's hoping you enjoy the experimentation of it! :)

  6. Really pretty pages! I love all of the colors and how you did the text. I think the bulk of my year is being documented privately in my daily writing journal, but I also regularly create art journal pages. The weird thing is I don't think I've ever looked back and reviewed a whole year. I should do that for 2015. :) Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Megan, Thank you so much! I have a thing for anything rainbow-hued so I went for that. I wish I could keep a daily journal but I'm trying to make my bullet journal/to do list into one. Here's hoping your 2015 is fabulous one!! Thanks so much for popping in!

  7. My daughters and I Fauxbonichi! Came across the Hibonichi and Fauxbonichi idea on you tube and as I have such a really really bad memory I thought this would be a fab way to document things I'm doing. Two months in now I have realised I need to get out more!!!

    1. Niky, I actually just learned about Fauxbonichi a few weeks back. I like that idea too but have been hooked on my bullet journal. Isn't it strange how documenting what you do makes you wonder where the time goes!? Here's to getting out more! :)


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