Bead Table Wednesday on 30 Word Thursday (Let's Do This)

Chaos from one end to the other,
Supplies strewn haphazardly;
Like a mad scientist searching for the answer,
A toddler exploring,
Or perhaps I was robbed
Nope, I was creating.
The premise of 30 Words Thursday is simple...

Take an image.
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Share it on Erin's Treasure's Found blog.

Bead Table Wednesday is similarly simple. Created by Heather Powers of Humblebeads, she only asks that you share a picture of what's on your bead table each Wednesday. (My picture was taken yesterday.)

(Despite being a little late.) 


  1. Aren't all bead tables supposed to look like that? If not, i'm in big trouble!

  2. Looking at my wife's beading area, this seems so true!

    1. Creativity isn't neat by any means! :) Thanks for swinging by.

  3. LOL. Eric is right. My BTW pic was snapped on my dining room table instead of my normal space since I had other projects all over that surface. I love your post... and I'm intrigued by your pliers caddy!

    1. Sarajo - Ha! I try not to move to other surfaces very often because it won't take much for me to spread out all over the house. ;)
      The caddy was something I found at a yard sale. I'm not really sure what was intended to go in the holes. . maybe little spice jars. It was a brown wood and looked like it was from the 70s. I simply spray painted it black and stuck all my pliers in it. I love it. Yard sales are the best!
      Thanks for swinging by.

  4. Are you sure you don't want to write a poetry blog? You make a mess sound fun!

  5. Your bead table is beautiful!!! :)

  6. In my world, it looks much the same! I am trying to come to grips with my inability to put things away. But what I really need to do is CREATE! I bet there are great things brewing here! Thank you for sharing your 30 Words! Enjoy the day. Erin


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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